Added netParams.rotateCellsRandomly option to rotate cells randomly around y-axis
Added netParams.defineCellShapes option to convert stylized cell geometries to 3d points
Added 'histogram' option to plotSpikeStats
Improved shapePlot so generates 3d pts for stylized morphs and plots all cells by default
Added showElectrodes and bkgColor options to shapePlot
Adapted so can set cfg.createPyStruct=0 before creating conns to save memory on large nets
Added option cfg.connRandomSecFromList=True to set if sec and loc are randomly chosen from list when synsPerConn=1
Added cfg.printSynsAfterRule to print total connections after each conn rule is applied
Fixed bug to ensure VecStim random streams are independent of simulation duration
Fixed bug calculating avg pop rate in plotRaster when using subsets of pops
Fixed bug LFP recording only applied to compartmental cells
Fixed bug when using conn 'threshold' in verbose -- removed all since has no effect
Fixed bug when deleting sections -- needed sec.push() before
Fixed bug in shapePlot figSize option
Fixed format of git changeset stored -- removed 'g' prefix
Fixed bug in Windows trying to get git changeset
Fixed bug gathering LFP data
Fixed bug importing global v_init from multiple cell files
Fixed bug so gitChangeset() returns to orig folder even when git not installed
Fixed bugs in plotConn -- missing rounding func and grouping by y interval