Version 0.7.9
Extended metadata structure to interact with NetPyNE-UI
Added preliminary data structures to support NEURON RxD
Added plot RxD concentration to analysis
Added netParams.correctBorder to compensate distance-dependent connectivity border effect
Added option to run jobs directly on multiple mpi cores via Batch class
Added option for custom text in PBS or SLURM scripts to submit batch jobs
Added option to filter LFP signal before ploting PSD
Convert 'gid' to actual cell gid when used in point process params (useful for random seeds)
Relaxed pyneuroml requirement so just shows a warning message
Preliminary function to save conns distributedly using HDF5
Added function to validate string-based expressions
Fixed bug: removed cell._segCoords and pop._morphSegCoords before saving to file
Fixed rasterPlot pop label automated spacing
Fixed bug: removed pandas requirement from LFP electrode module
Fixed bug: updated rcParams text.fontsize to font.size
Fixed bug: missing update of list-based loc in connList connections
Fixed bug: delete sections after import cell only if section exists