Release Notes
- Also read Item Pages menu in the main window. This brevity was not mentioned in the 2024.12.01 release notes.
- Android people shall be burdened with ARM32 and ARM64 bundles. So much lovely work.
- BiblioteQ contains at least 127 options.
- CSV Import Browser: new post-import script with a memory.
- Corrected discovery and separation of tabbed search windows. The discovery process did not set the current tab page to that of the discovered item while the separation process did not center the separated window.
- Corrected selection of icon items. Whenever an item is selected in the main table, its icon representation is also selected. The coordinates of the icon item must be translated to its scene's coordinates system.
- Denote interrupted preview in CSV Import Browser.
- Drop-shadow-effects on graphics items.
- Enable tool tips on graphics items. Remember, Other Options -> Main Window -> Show Table Tool Tips must be enabled.
- Final LTS release of 2024. See YOU!
- Final release of Linux packages. Future: Android, MacOS, Windows. See YOU!
- Highlight BiblioteQ Field Name widgets in CSV Import Browser if mismatches occur.
- LTS release.
- LTS version information in About.
- Let's repeat. Paged items!
- Merry something to someone who may be merry.
- New --help terminal option.
- New Edit -> Select All.
- New Options -> Download Version Information After Launch. Off.
- New Other Options -> Scripts. The values will be available in CSV Import Browser and Tools -> External Applications; sorted and unique. Icons available in External Applications actions.
- Paste buttons in book images. GitHub ticket #386.
- Pretty rounded borders on some images.
- Qt 6.8.1 LTS on Android.
- Qt 6.8.1 LTS on MacOS.
- Qt 6.8.1 LTS on Windows.
- Qup releases in the hopeful future.
- Removed the Ctrl + A shortcuts from photographs as the shortcuts will interfere with the wordly shortcut.
- Replaced the dull selection border on a graphics item with a sassy geometric shape.
- Second entry in the 2024.12.01 release notes: Kubuntu -> KDE.
- Super fast selection of large table sets via Ctrl + A.
- The newest version in postgresql_update_schema.sql should be 2024.12.01.
- Wider progress dialogs.
- Will BiblioteQ reach a quarter of a century of awesomeness? Maybe, maybe not. We simply do not know!