Diese API ermöglicht die automatisierte Erstellung von Projekten in der Craftnote App. Aktzeptierte Formate
- [
POST /v1/createproject/
Die Verifizierung des Accounts erfolgt über einen APIKEY den man durch die mycraftnote digital Gmbh erhält. Für Informationen und die Beantragung eines API-Keys schreibt an [email protected]
Die beiliegende instructions.json kann unter https://editor.swagger.io/ eingelesen werden
webLink* string
example: https://app.mycraftnote.de/#/project?id=0DDAAAA9-2508-4AAF-A576-E91E76EA8CDB
The link to the created project which can be opened in a browser
appDeepLink* string
example: mycrafty://project?id=0DDAAAA9-2508-4AAF-A576-E91E76EA8CDB
The deeplink to the created project which can be opened in a mobile client
name* string
example: Wasserrohrbruch
The name of the project
orderNumber string
example: 12312344d
The ordernumber of the project
street string
pattern: [a-zA-ZßäöüÄÖÜ .\\/-]+ [0-9a-z \\/-]*$
example: Bahnhofstr. 12
The street of the project
zipcode string
pattern: ^[0-9a-zA-ZäÄöÖüÜß ]{4,}$
example: 70174
The zipcode of the project
city string
pattern: [a-zA-ZäöüÄÖÜ .\\/-]+
example: Stuttgart
The city of the project
contacts [...]
billingCity string
pattern: [a-zA-ZäöüÄÖÜ .\\/-]+
example: Stuttgart
The billing city of the projeect
name* string
pattern: ^[a-zA-ZäÄöÖüÜß ]+([ -][a-zA-Z ]+)*$
example: Herr Maier
The name of the contact
email string
pattern: [A-Z0-9a-z._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,}
example: [email protected]
The email of the contact
phone string
pattern: ^\+*[0-9]+
example: +49 711 21893732232
The phone of the contact
curl https://europe-west1-craftnote-live.cloudfunctions.net/v1/createproject/ \
-H 'Content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"name": "Testprojekt",
"orderNumber": "12312344",
"street": "Bahnhofstr. 12",
"zipcode": "70134",
"city": "Stuttgart",
"contacts": [
"name": "Herr Huber",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "+49 711 21893732232"
"billingCity": "Stuttgart"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<street>Bahnhofstr. 12</street>
<name>Herr Maier</name>
<email>[email protected]</email>
<phone>+49 711 21893732232</phone>
"webLink": "https://app.mycraftnote.de/#/project?id=0DDAAAA9-2508-4AAF-A576-E91E76EA8CDB",
"appDeepLink": "mycrafty://project?id=0DDAAAA9-2508-4AAF-A576-E91E76EA8CDB"