a synthesizer for exploring the timbre of the natural harmonic series
A harmonic is an integer multiple of a fundamental frequency. For example:
Fundamental (𝑓) is 55 Hz; Second harmonic (𝑓2) = 𝑓∗2= 110 Hz; Third harmonic (𝑓3) = 𝑓∗3= 165 Hz and so on...
Listen: https://thrly.github.io/harmonic-series/
- Open the synth: https://thrly.github.io/harmonic-series/
- Set a fundamental frequency (default 55 Hz) on top-right.
- Use the 'Start/Stop' button to turn audio on/off.
- Adjust the gain of each partial to mix harmonics.
- The 'Randomise' button (or R key) will set a random gain for each partial, creating new timbres.
- The 'Wander' button will start the partials automatically moving. Control speed with Wander slider.
- 'Static' stops generative behaviour.
- 'Save CSV' (bottom-right) exports information about harmonic pitch and amplitude (0-1) or current spectra.
This instrument was made with p5.js and p5.js-sound
~ oliver thurley, august 2024