Neovim Configuration
Always Nightly Neovim. (Latest edit from this requires neovim 0.7+)
- Rust (Cargo).
- Pandoc (Haskell Binary) (Get Binary only version if possible).
Clone this repo to ~/.config/nvim
Full command (SSH):
git clone [email protected]:tigorlazuardi/nvim.git
Run nvim
and run command :PackerSync
After installation is done. Run :WhichKey
for Normal mode mappings. Run :WhichKeyI
for Insert mode mappings. Run :WhichKeyV
for visual mode mappings.
Bug Fixes
- filetype: fix filetypes
- snapshot: fix logic for not creating new snapshot on full
- snapshot: new snapshot will not be created if there's more than 10 already exist upon packer sync
Code Refactoring
- modernize api calls
- filetype: env file is now considered sh
- gps: added augroup
- null-ls: shellcheck runtime not run on .env files
- nvim-lsp-installer: removed yammls, jsonls, tsserver from default install on windows
- winbar only appears when gps exists
Various Actions
- update snapshots
- update snapshot
- update snapshot
v4.9.2 - 2022-05-24
Bug Fixes
- winbar: empty gps now not add | symbol
v4.9.1 - 2022-05-24
Bug Fixes
- winbar: fix winbar appearing on non modify-able buffers
v4.9.0 - 2022-05-24
Bug Fixes
- fzf: fix mapping not loaded
Code Refactoring
- fzf: refactor mappings
- fzf: mappings moved to a special location
- fzf-lua: added description to mappings
- lualine: set global status on
- winbar: now added modified and current file name
Various Actions
- update snapshot
v4.8.0 - 2022-05-23
Code Refactoring
- flutter: removed pcall
- flutter: refactor flutter tools plugin config
- lsp: rust tools move to top
- packer: added check if ls failed
- telescope: mappings changed from using which-key to vim.keymap.set
- treesitter: on config now ensure_installed is set to all
Various Actions
- snapshot: update snapshot
- snapshot: update dependencies
- snapshot: update
- telescope: code cleanup
v4.7.0 - 2022-05-19
- lsp: windows compability reasons
- packer: snapshot only created when using PackerUpdateAndRoll
v4.6.1 - 2022-05-19
Minor Update
- bufferline: tests group now not auto_close
v4.6.0 - 2022-05-19
- bufferline: added group support
Performance Improvements
- lsp: split and go to definition is now set on schedule to prevent too fast movements
- theme: revert to catpuccin
v4.5.3 - 2022-05-19
Minor Update
- lsp: calling diagnostic list now uses lsp_mappings
v4.5.2 - 2022-05-19
Minor Update
- lsp: added support for Incoming Calls
v4.5.1 - 2022-05-19
Minor Update
- nvim-gps: added small space in front so it's prettier to look at
- nvim-treesitter-context: removed in favor of nvim-gps and winbar
v4.5.0 - 2022-05-19
- gps: added nvim-gps
Various Actions
- update snapshot
v4.4.3 - 2022-05-18
Minor Update
- fzf: added go to type definition
v4.4.2 - 2022-05-18
Minor Update
- commitlint: added patch support
- fzf: added live grep current buffer
- neotree: Neotree Reveal map now uses vim.keymap.set
Various Actions
- update snapshot
v4.4.1 - 2022-05-18
Bug Fixes
- packer: packer snapshot only runs on every new compile
- fzf: prefer to use sk instead of fzf
v4.4.0 - 2022-05-18
- fzf-lua: added fzf lua and migrate options from telescope to fzf lua
- learning: added learning section for personal use
- snapshot: update snapshot
v4.3.2 - 2022-05-17
Code Refactoring
- packer: removed sort on snapshots list
- libuv: added learning code
- snapshot: update snapshot
Various Actions
- removed commented codes
v4.3.1 - 2022-05-15
- changelog: update changelog format
v4.3.0 - 2022-05-15
Bug Fixes
- packer: proper run snapshot
- packer: added packer rolling snapshot
v4.2.1 - 2022-05-15
Bug Fixes
- marks.nvim: fix from 'chentau' to 'chentoast'
- golang: uses nui to split window
v4.1.0 - 2022-05-14
Bug Fixes
- cmp: fix stack overflow on view.close handler when re-compile or resync packer
Code Refactoring
- cmp: better readable
- cmd: experimental to handle persistent kind length
- cmp: modified how menu appears
- copilot: copilot now not loaded if there's no config
- copilot: disabled copilot lua if copilot vim is not initialized yet
- golang: test current func now uses split buffer instead of term window
- hls-lens: moved mapping to lua
- settings: update setting to use nvim_cmd instead of vim string
- theme: mvoed to one nord
- codicons: commented because unused
- lspkind: commented lspkind because it's currently unused
Various Actions
- cmp: removed unused variable
v4.0.3 - 2022-05-09
Bug Fixes
- fold check mapping removed and modernized buf format
- copilot: fix disabling on windows
- neovide: wsl font now has same font as windows font
- autocmd: move to lua
- copilot: added file location check for windows
- copilot: disabled on windows
- filetype: added filetype.nvim plugin to detect custom filetypes
- filetype: moved mdpp to filetype plugin
- gitsigns: enabled on windows
- lsp-golang: added guard to check if executables are in path
- neovide: font settings is updated to use Nerd Font Mono version
- neovide: update fonts to comic code ligatures
- neovide: added mappings to increase gui font size
- nvim-cmp: removed buffer from normal source and update mapping for commandline and search
- nvim-cmp: added source for treesitter
- nvim-cmp: add item limit on luasnip, nvim_lsp, emoji
- tsserver: added inlay hints
- which-key: <?> now used to show normal mapping
Various Actions
- removed commented nvim_tree on init.lua
v4.0.2 - 2022-04-27
- golang: revert server config to use normal gopls because gopls in lsp install does not support go1.18
v4.0.1 - 2022-04-26
Bug Fixes
- apm-span-snippet: fix treesitter query
- bufferline: now config for bufferline runs properly
- treesitter: finish mapping ts_utils.get_node_text to vim.treesitter.query.get_node_text
- which-key: fix wtf mapping for buffer
Code Refactoring
- checktime now is silent!
- moved to lua from autocmd vim
- clipboard: moved to lua completely
- settings: reread now placed under force_reread augroup
- better grammar desc on TextYankPost
- catppuccin: added more integration
- cmp: added source on completion
- debug-neovim: move command to lua
- go: changed from ray-x-go to personal custom one
- iswap: added iswap
- neotree: added to split horizontally
- neovide: changed font to comic code liagures
- nvim-cmp: add limit on many source hits like buffer, rg, spell
- settings: moved to lua
- sumneko: removed lua-dev in favor of cmp-nvim-lua and removed buggy ui-select from telescope
- sumneko: lua-dev only runs on neovim config path
- surfer: more sane keybinding
- whichkey: moved command to lua and fix source init lua
- neogen: removed neogen
Various Actions
- removed unused plugins
- removed unused codes
v4.0.0 - 2022-04-19
- migration: migration to 0.8
v3.1.8 - 2022-04-18
Bug Fixes
- snippet: fix insert regex golang
Code Refactoring
- snippet: removed autosnippet because it's mostly unused
- snippet: reduce map snippets
- update commitlint
- disabled nvim-filebrowser, enabled nvim-tree, added sqls to nullls
- cmp: improve compare and sort
- copilot: added copilot vim to prepare copilot
- copilot: added copilot to nvim-cmp
- file-tree: moved from nvim tree to telescope file browser
- markdown_preview: autostart disabled
- markdown_preview: set config to setup
- neotree: moved from nvim-tree to neotree
- neotree: update config
- null_ls: removed taplo in favor of lspinstall version
- rust-lsp: check on save is now clippy
- snippet: added iferr responder
- snippet: added responder golang snippet
- snippet: added rust snippet creating fn
- snippet: added cobra snippet golang
- snippet: added snippet for generating markdown table
- sqls: added config to sqls
- syntax-tree-surfer: added syntax tree surper
- telescope: mapping now mapped to find file picker
- telescope: find files hidden true
- telescope: move explorer mapping to and other used telescope pickers
- telescope-fb: move mappings
- move lazygit back to to toggleterm because of better screen size
- disabled mini indentline
v3.1.7 - 2022-04-01
Bug Fixes
- snippet: fix placeholder
Code Refactoring
- snippet: readable neogen / luasnip jump handling
- luasnip: added virtual text on choice nodes
- mappings: moved q to q
- snippet: added table generating snippets markdown lua
- snippet: added dynamic req snippet
- snippet: added description to make snippet golang
- snippet: added prequire snippet lua
- snippet: more snippet for go
- snippets: added dynamic preq snippet
- snippets: added more lua snippets
- snippet: removed apm_span from auto. prefer to use expansion instead
Various Actions
- removed print
v3.1.6 - 2022-03-31
Bug Fixes
- luasnip: update configuration
- snippet: fixed lua snipped for pack module
- snippter: apm:span func query capture fix
Code Refactoring
- snippet: more readable snippet
- snippet: better treesitter handling
- snippet: moved actual snippet to below utility functions
- update for dependencies
- fold: start with fold now
- luasnip: added mapping for choices
- luasnip: enabled autosnippets
- markdown-composer: added markdown composer
- markdown-composer: autostart disbled
- notify: registered to telescope
- pounce: pounce now only run in visual mode, not both visual and select
- snippet: added msi regex
- snippet: update golang snippet apm:span to auto
- snippet: huge apm:span golang snippet improvement
- snippet: added map_key_type auto
- snippet: added lua snippets
- treesitter: enabled playground
- reenabled fold level start
- move back to nvim-autopairs
- global status
v3.1.5 - 2022-03-18
Bug Fixes
- focus: disabled temporarily until work nice with nvim-tree
- golang: test regex now include end $ sign
- nvim-ts-rainbow: froze to commit until problem is fixed
Code Refactoring
- debugger-go: dryer code
- init: refactor settings/init.lua
- hide changelog into spoiler
- dap-go: added feature to restore original dap config
- filetype: added certain filetype auto detect
- focus: reenabled focus config
- go: test function now never cache
- golang: change mappings for nvim goc
- golang: added debug current function
- golang: set golines limit to 200
- golang: disabled golines and golangci-lint on nullls
- lualine: added global status setting
- markdown-pp: added markdown pp
- marks: update various marks file
- nvim: max_line_lne set to 150
- nvim-tree: update config
- nvim-tree: ignore notify window
- sudo: added suda plugin
- windows: enabled more compatibility
- updating neovim fixed the issue
v3.1.4 - 2022-02-24
Bug Fixes
- golang: textobjects now false to ignore shitty error on start
- golang: ray-x/go.nvim now always runs and never depends on if gopls is installed first
- added reason to ignore textobject option from go.nvim
- removed treesitter playground since it's mostly unused
v3.1.3 - 2022-02-24
- fidget: moved to fidget nvim from lsp-status
- golang: added go test workspace
- golang: added go test package
- golang: call feedkeys moved to on_exit
- golang: uses custom terminal to run go test function
- nvim-cmp: added ripgrep source
- nvim-tree: removed frozen commit
- yabs: added yabs nvim
- removed yabs
- move to smart-pairs again
- move back to nvim autopairs
Various Actions
- removed coq and chadtree from nvim
- removed commented surruond_config in init
- removed surround config because dev is MIA
- removed old windline config
v3.1.2 - 2022-02-16
Bug Fixes
- lsp-status: now lsp status line does not check buf get clients
- nvim-tree: temporarily froze nvim tree version to latest stable commit
- prettierd: fix prettierd config for null_ls
- tmux: removed resize default keybinding because conflict with line swap
Code Refactoring
- golang: removed unneeded configs
- lsp: better readability syntax
- neovide: refactor config
- neovide: refactor neovide configurations
- cmp-lspkind: update configuration
- golang: update enhancement configuration
- golang: added mappings for golang specifics
- hlargs: added
- lsp: fix cursor jumpt to diagnostic window on goto_next
- lsp: update lsp in insert mode disabled to increase peformance on slow lsps
- lualine: better color for modified
- mini: disabled on some filetypes
- mini-indentscope: added mini indentscope
- notify: added notify on installing sumneko lua server
- notify: added nvim-notify
- null_ls: revert to prettierd and eslint_d now only runs if eslintrc.json exist in root
- pairs: moved to smart pairs
- sandwhich: fix missing mappings
- sandwhich: moved from surround.nvim to vim-sandwhich because dev account is deleted
- session_manager: session manager now autoload currentdir
- statusline: revert to lualine from windline
- tmux: disabled copy_sync to sync clipboard with system clipboard instead of tmux
- tmux: added tmux config
- treesitter: added endwise
- disabled pretty_fold in favor of tmux integration
- nvim-tree: disabled open on new
- treesitter: disabled indent and hlargs
Various Actions
- format
v3.1.1 - 2022-02-04
Bug Fixes
- lua-lsp: lsp is fixed by settings server version to v2.5.6
- sumneko_lua-installer: version is now frozen to v2.5.6
- treesitter: removed themes that broke treesitter
- treesitter: temporary fix until treesitter stabilizes
- treesitter-indent: disabled on yaml files
Code Refactoring
- golang: golang now uses ray-x/go command to format or import and removed formatters from null-ls
- golang: separated golang from top level config
- json_yaml: added to separate configuration
- lsp: refactor code for more readability
- lsp: uses accosiative table instead of numeric table to check available lsps
- lua-lsp: added to separate configuration
- neovide: refactor neovide font settings
- packer: packer now automatically sync if packer_compiled.lua file is missing
- changelog: added title mappings
- neovide: added params
- eslint: now moved to null_ls
- flutter: flutter lsp now only runs if dart is installed
- fzf: removed disabled requirement on windows
- languages: registered lua
- lsp-installer: now gopls waits for rayx go
- lua-lsp: path handling is now handled by plenary
- neogen: added neogen
- nvim-tree: added indent markers
- packer: removed from opt
- prettier_d_slim: try to use prettier_d_slim, falls back to prettierd
- rust: separated rust config to another file
- rust: added dap config
- rust: dap config on wsl
- rust: having rust opened now auto install rust-analyzer
- rust-analyzer: ignored on generic lsp installer config
- theme: added github theme
- treesitter: added rainbow brackets
- treesitter: change mappings for more intuitivemove
- typescript: config update
- removed headwind in favor of rustywind via null_ls
- treesitter: disabled indent by treesitter
Various Actions
- grammar fixes
- removed unused plugins from codebase
- merge
- removed useless block
v3.1.0 - 2022-01-18
Bug Fixes
- eslint: fix installer config not called
- tabout: fix whichkey missing '>'
- vim-sneak: S mapping is now uncommented
- vim_sneak: fixed load order to be after vim-cutlass
- bootstrap: changed max jobs to 16
- alpha: fortune only called if it exist
- catppuccin: load from setup now
- coq: now does not escape to normal mode first
- cutlass-substitute: using modern alternative
- dap: added native widgets for debug hover
- lsp: added yamlls custom schemas
- lsp: disabled open float in favor of lsp_lines
- lsp-insstall: eslint
- lsp_lines: changed packer declaration using as
- lsp_lines: added lsp_lines
- markdown-preview: added markdown preview
- neovim-dap: added command to easily debug neovim itself
- nvim-lspinstall: migrated to nvim lsp install
- pounce: s key now uses pouce. the rest still uses vim sneak
- pretty-fold: added pretty fold
- pretty-fold: set fold next max to 1
- scrollbar: added scrollbar
- session: conform to breaking changes
- settings: added scroll off value of 8
- settings: H now moved to close fold, L to open fold
- sumneko: prevent using lua-dev temporarily until it get fixed
- telescope: added telescope env
- treesitter: foldexprt now to treesitter
- types: added types for lua
- which-key: shortcut to show mappings has changed from '?' to 'g?'
- which-key: added dofile on pR
- which-key: return back to folke's version
- windline: added lsp signature
- diagnostic format returns to default
- lsp_lines: removed lsp_lsplines
Various Actions
- grammar fixes
- cleanup ^M
- removed unused codes
- removed commented code
- removed useless code block
v3.0.3 - 2022-01-08
- alpha: fortune now only get if exist
- alpha: added Change Directory entry
- alpha: moved from dashboard to alpha
- nvim-tree: auto open on startup
v3.0.2 - 2022-01-07
Bug Fixes
- which-key: removed conflicting mappings with which-key
- which-key: temporarily changed to zeertzjq fork To support latest neovim branch
- moved to coq and chadtree
- update config for nvim-tree
- added session manager
- lsp diagnostic now is float based on scope cursor
- update
- set default color to catpuccin
- nvim_gomove instead of vim_move
- removed plenary from lazygit plugin
- changed lazygit to direct integration
- airline: removed file icon in explorer tree in bottom right
- airline: added support to show the tree plugin name
- nvim-tree: nvim tree width size now 40
- nvim-tree: added
to ignore list
- removed nvim-treesitter-context in favor of session manager
- removed theme change on DirChanged
- return to nvim tree because chadtree theme is ugly
v3.0.1 - 2022-01-01
Bug Fixes
- flutter: run via dap disabled
- flutter: fix list commands
- theme: theme now fixed
Code Refactoring
- golang-lsp: staticcheck now depends on golangci lint
- debugger: now uses personal one with wrap set to default on
- flutter: added more keybindings
- flutter: added flutter
v3.0.0 - 2021-12-29
Bug Fixes
- dlv: command returned from dlv-dap to dlv
- all: moved to a new beginning
- debugger: change mapping and local
- theme: random theme now won't repeat last
- theme: add more themes
- theme: added tokyonight
Various Actions
- golang-ls: removed unused codes
v2.6.0 - 2021-12-28
Bug Fixes
- commitlint: skip on pull
- neovide: opacity
- project: fix project loader
- theme: fix theme
- theme: disabled catpuccin and sonokai on windows
- focus: excluded filetypes now includes dapui
- neovide: update neovide setting
- dap: dap dlv now listens on both stdout and stderr
- dap: load vs code config now appends dlvToolPath
- debugger: added dapui open on success booting dap
- lsp-server: schemas now using schemastore
- telescope: include oldfiles in code
- lsp: return back to dressing and disabled lsp saga
- lspsaga: removed lsp saga
v2.5.0 - 2021-12-25
Bug Fixes
- lsp: Stopping hotkey now stops ALL lsp server instead of only one
- null_ls: removed generic on attach from null_ls
- lspsaga: added lspsaga
v2.4.1 - 2021-12-22
Bug Fixes
- on_attach: open float diagnostic is now line wise
- treesitter: textobjects and various treesitter plugins now loaded manually using packer loader
Code Refactoring
- nvim-cmp: now does not select selection
- nvim-goc: change mapping group to g
- golang: reenabled goimports
- golang: commented null_ls goimports gofumpt golines
- golang: null_ls added golines
- vim_move: added vim move
- return back to nvim_cmp because coq crashes too often
v2.4.0 - 2021-12-19
Code Refactoring
- golang: format and generate implementations moved to g group
- lazygit: moved mapkey from g to z
- golang: moved from context organize imports to goimports in null ls
- null_ls: added sqlformat and codespell diagnostics
v2.3.1 - 2021-12-19
Bug Fixes
- goimpl: added buffer target of current
- goimpl: mapping is now localized to buffer filetype go
- lsp: formatting now done on BufWritePre not on BufWritePost and scoped to current buffer
- on_attach: fix diagnostic and telescope diagnostic
Code Refactoring
- goimpl: moved autocmd to on-attach
- on_attach: moved gn diagnostic mapping to a new sub whichkey group
- telescope-cd: moved telescope cd to a file for more readable
- theme: added sonokai to the list
Various Actions
- formatting
- comment codes for documentation
- refactor(on_attach): moved gn diagnostic mapping to a new sub whichkey group
v2.3.0 - 2021-12-18
- theme: removed themes containing light colors so random colors wont load the white ones
v2.2.0 - 2021-12-18
Bug Fixes
- code-action: removed code-action-menu because it does not get updated to neovim nightly
- settings: fix wsl check not checking the integer value
- settings: fix logic for wsl font in neovide
- telescope: fix cd picker
- trouble.nvim: fix trouble.nvim toggle update
Code Refactoring
- settings: more readable neovide config
- bootstrap: packer reset called before packer init to support reloading config
- golang: enabled dap config on golang files
- neovide: neovide config blur is removed since they fixed the blur problem on telescope
- nvim_tree: filtered node_modules and target for ts and rust respectively
- added
- project.nvim: reenabled project nvim
- settings: font settings now check for wsl
- bufdelete: support for bufdelete
- comment.nvim: removed kommentary in favor of comment.nvim
- coq_nvim: added coq_nvim
- dressing.nvim: added dressing.nvim plugin
- golang: added go coverage and go impl telescope
- lsp-display: lsp display now shows borders
- null-ls: added integration to curl and proselint
- telescope: added custom picker to cwd to given folder
- theme: added random color loader
- treesitter-context: added support for tree sitter context
Various Actions
- removed kommentary
- format
v2.0.3 - 2021-12-13
- autogroups: removed augroup from buffer scoped autocmds
- neovide: set neovide transparency to 1
- null_ls: update configuration for null_ls
- whichkey: pressing q and do nothing now shows the subkeylist for it
- update
- clang-format: removed extra args in favor of .clang-format instead
- settings: now show enter chars
v2.1.0 - 2021-12-08
- clang-format: added clang-format to null_ls
- titlestring: changed from only getcwd to prefixed with
nvim -
Various Actions
- format
v2.0.2 - 2021-12-08
- textobjects: textobject is now loaded by vim-texobj-user
- trouble: trouble now calls the function directly instead of via command
- nvim-tree: nvim tree highlight set to 3
- commitlint: commitlint changed from nodejs to pure bash
- settings: enabled set title so neovide can show different filesnames
- titlestring: title string changed to cwd upon VimEnter and DirChanged
v2.0.1 - 2021-12-05
Bug Fixes
- bug-empty-file: fixed bug empty file on open
- vscode-compability: packerload moved to packer.loader
v2.0.0 - 2021-12-05
Bug Fixes
- neoclip: changed neoclip open to ge from
- rust_lsp: proper path handling on require
- tailwind-lsp: autostart set back to true but depends on filetypes
- lsp-lua: added lsp lua config for windows
- neovim: all plugins are lazyloaded
- taplo-lsp: added lsp support for taplo
v1.3.1 - 2021-11-30
Bug Fixes
- selene: packer plugins global variable is now proper
- tailwind-lsp: disabled autostart
- vim-sneak: mappings now extended to visual and selection mode
- which-key: disabled registers plugin for compability with tversteeg/registers
- textsubjects: changed in favor of builtin selection
v1.3.0 - 2021-11-29
Bug Fixes
- vim-sneak: load after vim-cutlass so vim-sneak overrides cutlass
- vim-sneak: added which key alias to jump forward repeat sneak
- symbols-outline: added symbols outline support
v1.2.0 - 2021-11-29
Bug Fixes
- jsonls: fix command not found
- nvim_tree: disabled diagnostics on nvim-tree because it broke
- lspconfig: added support for json and yaml language server
- neovide: added font size change implementation for UNIX system
- neovide: added firacode nerd font support on start
- nvim-cmp: now uses dark vscode theme
- nvim-cmp: added colorscheme to various item highlight in autocomplete
- nvim_tree: update nvim tree configuration
- surround: changed prefix to q instead of ss
- eslint_server: added support for eslint_d lang server
- fine-cmdline: added new plugin fine-cmdline
- lightspeed: added lightspeed plugin
- neovide: added keymaps to increase or decrease font size in neovide
- vim_sneak: removed lightspeed, replaced with vim sneak
- package-info: removed package info causing crashes
- fine_cmdline: cmdline broke too much and broke compability with vscode
v1.1.0 - 2021-11-21
Bug Fixes
- lefthook: removed double changelog running
- null_ls: enabled autostart
- lefthook: reword pipe names
- change changelog template
- diagnostic: gn now shows line diagnostic, gN show workspace. gnn show next. gnp show previous
Various Actions
- format lua files
- buffer-mapping: bootstrapped buffer mapping
- calltree: bootstrapped calltree
- conf(lefthook): reword pipe names
v1.0.9 - 2021-11-16
Bug Fixes
- selene: fix vim global not set
- settings: added linebreak by words not character settings
v1.0.8 - 2021-11-16
- headwind: surpressed headwind error message on sorting
- neovide: disable blur for multigrid mode
- codeactionmenu: added new plugin code action menu
v1.0.7 - 2021-11-15
Bug Fixes
- treesitter: fix plugins failed to load
- godot: added global option to disable godot lsp if godot is installed but don't plan to use neovim for coding
- null-ls: mappings now always possible whenever null_ls is loaded
- package-info: package info now is limited to filetype json
v1.0.6 - 2021-11-15
Bug Fixes
- lsp_status: fix lsp status on airline not showing messages
- package_info: fix package_info yelling error on recompiling
- tailwind-headwind: added tailwind and headwind support
- gitsigns: added mappings to controls hunks
- lsp: added mappings for lsp formatting
- packer: added packer command mappings
v1.0.5 - 2021-11-15
Bug Fixes
- telescope: now fzf and frecency is loaded properly after telescope
v1.0.4 - 2021-11-15
- lsp: added godot lsp setting
- lspconfig: added support for godot and tailwindcss
- added backup settings
- added nvr integration
- added noswapfile noundofile
Various Actions
- format
- feat(lsp): added godot lsp setting
v1.0.3 - 2021-11-10
Bug Fixes
- windows: more compability codes
Code Refactoring
- globals: changed from using _G to vim.g
- focus.nvim: sign column now won't disappear on not focused windows
- clipboard: reenable cutlass, registers and subversibe, but removed yoink
- focus.nvim: added focus nvim
- windline: added lsp status integration to airline
- windline: moved from sample to local airline config
- no backup files in writing files
v1.0.2 - 2021-11-05
Bug Fixes
- lsp: fix lsp status not initialized, and typescript lsp config not called
- packer-init-nvim: clone timeout raised from 600 to 3000
- windows: disabled some plugins and settings that are incompatible in windows
- yoink: added configuration
- neoclip: moved clipboard management to neoclip
- neoclip: moved clipboard management to neoclip
- treesitter: treesitter now not running on vscode
- vscode: mappings for vscode
- golangci: disabled auto fix for compability reason
v1.0.1 - 2021-11-03
Bug Fixes
- paths: fix potential duplicate require
- added file
Code Refactoring
- indentation: moved indentation to it's own folder
- added changelog template
- initial commit