These instructions demonstrate how to combine AWS CodePipeline, CodeDeploy, & CodeCommit to dynamically generate and deploy a version release webpage for an application using CodeDeploy environment variables and a blue/green deploy approach.
This repo contains a minimal webpage (index.html) that represents the home page of a very simple web application, called demo-app
, to be deployed on amazon resources using their latest Dev/Ops services. This simple website contains a single link to another minimal webpage (release.html) containing details about the demo-app
version currently deployed. The instructions simulate one way a Dev/Ops Application Team could deploy an intial release of its demo-app
application for customers to consume and how they can include automated versioning into the process for all future demo-app
releases by automatically injecting CodeDeploy version related environment variables into the release.html page.
When an App Development Team first starts out it may not be known at the time whether their soon to be developed App will grow into a heavily depended upon component in a much larger Orginizational ecosystem. Because of that and short timelines, application versioning may not start off as a core focus. Sooner or later another Application Developement Team in the Orginization will start coding towards its services and/or API's. They may struggle or become frustrated during the process if they don't have a reliable way to determine what current version of demo-app
is deployed on the Test or Production environment. To enable quicker adoption by other Teams and avoid Developer frustration, providing a few details about the deployed version on the web application (via html or API) itself will go a long way.
AWS CodeDeploy allows you to define pre, during, and post deploy actions needing performed in order for an application to be pulled from a source repo, a build artifact created, and deployment of the build artifact to a compute environment. For demo-app
, these steps are captured in the appspec.yml
file at the top level of this repo. Each step executes a BASH script under the scripts
python script holds most of the magic for this demonstration. When the appspec.yml
script executes it, it looks for static pattern in the release.html file and replaces it with variables set in the ec2 operating system by the CodeDeploy agent at time of app deploy. The CodeDeploy agent is installed on the operating system by userdata (./scripts/ defined in the Auto Scale Group (ASG) Launch Config. One of the steps in the following procedures creates the ASG that always makes sure a minimum of one instance is always online. If not, it spins up a replacement instance.
During a deploy, a duplicate ASG is created and the latest App release is deployed to its instances. After passing all checks, an ELB that fronts the ASG, begins redirecting traffic destined to the older App version over to the new ASG. For a brief moment, traffic round robins between both of the App versions. The length of that time is adjustable. Finally, the older releases ASG and its instances are terminated once deployment is determined successful.
Each step below starts with the graphical method to make a change to your AWS environment followed by the AWS CLI equivalent command (for the most part). Only run one or the other but not both. If this is your first time using any of the AWS Developer service offerings (CodeDeploy, CodePipeline, CodeCommmit), it is recommended to go through the entirety using the graphical commands. Afterwards, delete everything and try only using the AWS CLI commands.
Here is some asci art showing the relationship between files in this repo and services in AWS.
--CodePipeline "demo-app"
|--iam role "codepipeline-service-role"
| |--./aws-policies/codepipeline-service-role.json
|--Repo: CodeCommit "pipeline-demo"
|--Build: Jenkins "My Jenkins"
|--Deploy: CodeDeploy
|--iam user "demo-app-SRE"
| |--./aws-policies/codedeploy-user.json
|--S3 "demo-app-<DATE>"
|--App name "demo-app"
|--Deploy group "demo-app-group"
|--ASG "demo-app-asg"
|--group "demo-app-asg"
| |--ELB "demo-app"
| |--SG
| | |--name = "demo-app-elb"
| | |--ports = HTTP
| |--vpc = your default vpc
|--LC "demo-app-lc"
|--iam role: "demo-app-ec2-instance-profile"
| |--Policy: "demo-app-ec2-permisions"
| |--./aws-policies/codedeploy-ec2.json
|--user data: ./
if you don't already have an AWS VPC, set up a generic one in using the
Start VPC Wizard
button found at -
create a codecommit repo
- name = demo-app
- source = sns topic
- new
- name = codecommit_pipeline-demo
- add files = https
- Linux
- new
aws codecommit create-repository --repository-name demo-app --repository-description "Demo App from"
go to aws iam and add
to the user account that will be committing code ( OR -
create an user in iam with permissions to perform all the following steps
- name = demo-app-SRE
- policies
- ./aws-policies/code-deploy-user.json
- policies
# create user policies arn=$(aws iam create-policy --policy-name demo-app-SRE --policy-document file://aws-policies/codedeploy-user.json --query "Policy.Arn" --output text) # create user and attach policies aws iam create-user --user-name demo-app-user1 aws iam attach-user-policy --user-name demo-app-user --policy-arn $arn
- name = demo-app-SRE
upload your users public key using the
Upload SSH public key
button on the Security credential tab. ( if you only have a private key, use this command to extract the public key.
sh-keygen -y -f ~/.ssh/userprivatekey.pem
- if you only have a private key, use this command to extract the public key.
copy the
SSH key id
value -
add the below to your ~/.ssh/config file pasting the
SSH key id
Host git-codecommit.* User APKAEIBAERJR2EXAMPLE IdentityFile ~/.ssh/userprivatekey.pem
run these commands on dev box used to pull down the contents of this GitHub repo
git clone
copy the contents of this repo into your CodeCommit repo for later use
cd codepipeline-demos git remote add codecommit ssh:// git push codecommit
create an s3 bucket for deploygroup
- demo-app-DATE
aws s3 mb s3://demo-app-$(date +%Y%m%d)
create sg for elb
- name = demo-app-elb
- ports = http
VPCID=changeme sgid=$(aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name demo-app-elb --description demo-app-elb --vpc-id $VPCID --output text) aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id $sgid --protocol tcp --port 80 --cidr ""
create elb
After creating the ELB keep its A Record handy. This is the address you will browse to when checking out the deployed
web application after all the steps below are completed.- type = http https
- name = demo-app
- vpc = your default vpc
- tags
- key/value = Name/demo-app-elb
- sg = demo-app-elb
- target group = new
- target name = demo-app
- register targets = leave empty
VPCID=changeme subnetids=( $(aws ec2 describe-subnets --filters Name=tag-value,Values=*pub* --query '*[].SubnetId' --output text) ) elbarn=$(aws elbv2 create-load-balancer --name demo-app --subnets ${subnetids[@]} --security-groups $sgid --query *[].LoadBalancerArn --output text) targetarn=$(aws elbv2 create-target-group --name demo-app --protocol HTTP --port 80 --vpc-id $VPCID) aws elbv2 create-listener --load-balancer-arn $elbarn --protocol HTTP --port 80 --default-actions Type=forward,TargetGroupArn=$targetarn --query *[].TargetGroupArn
create iam policies, profiles & roles
- Role Name = demo-app-codedeploy-service-role
- Policies
- ./aws-policies/codedeploy-sts.json
- AWSCodeDeployRole
- Policies
- Role Name = demo-app-ec2-instance-profile
- Policies
- ./aws-policies/role-policy-document.json
- ./aws-policies/codedeploy-ec2.json
- Policies
# Service Role arn=$(aws iam create-role --role-name demo-app-codedeploy-service-role --assume-role-policy-document file://aws-policies/codedeploy-sts.json --query "Role.Arn" --output text) aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name demo-app-codedeploy-service-role --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSCodeDeployRole # Instance Role & Profile aws iam create-role --role-name demo-app-ec2-instance-profile --assume-role-policy-document file://aws-policies/role-policy-document.json aws iam put-role-policy --role-name demo-app-ec2-instance-profile --policy-name demo-app-ec2-permissions --policy-document file://aws-policies/codedeploy-ec2.json aws iam create-instance-profile --instance-profile-name demo-app-ec2-instance-profile aws iam add-role-to-instance-profile --instance-profile-name demo-app-ec2-instance-profile --role-name demo-app-ec2-instance-profile
- Role Name = demo-app-codedeploy-service-role
create iam role
- name = demo-app-codedeploy
- managed policies =
- name = codedeploy.json
create security group "demo-app-elb"
- ports = 80/tcp inbound
create launch config or create asg
- ami = aws marketplace
- search "centos" to find "CentOS 7 (x86_64) - with Updates HVM"
- type = t2.micro
- lc name = demo-app-lc
- iam role = demo-app-codedeploy
- advanced
- user data = ./
- ip = assign public ip
- sda1 delte on termination
- sg = "demo-app-elb"
- GROUP NAME = demo-app
- size = 2
- network = your default vpc
- subnets = your pub subs
- keep at orig size
- commands *replace capitalized words with your values
- key/value = Name/demo-app-asg
imageid=$(aws ec2 describe-images --filter Name=owner-id,Values=679593333241 Name=name,Values="CentOS Linux 7 x86_64 HVM *" --query "*[].{DATE:CreationDate,ID:ImageId}" --output text | sort | cut -f2 | tail -1) sgid=$(aws ec2 describe-security-groups --filters Name=group-name,Values=demo-app-elb --query '*[].GroupId' --output text) aws autoscaling create-launch-configuration --image-id $imageid --key-name YOURAWSSSHKEYNAME --user-data file://scripts/install_codedeploy.yml --instance-type t2.micro --security-groups $sgid --block-device-mappings file://disk.yml --launch-configuration-name demo-app-lc --iam-instance-profile demo-app-ec2-instance-profile subnetids=( $(aws ec2 describe-subnets --filters Name=tag-value,Values=*pub* --query '*[].SubnetId' --output text) ) aws autoscaling create-auto-scaling-group --auto-scaling-group-name demo-app-asg --min-size 1 --max-size 2 --launch-configuration-name demo-app-lc --vpc-zone-identifier $(echo ${subnetids[@]} | tr ' ' ',')
create codedeploy app
- name = demo-app
- compute = ec2
- deploy group = demo-app-bluegreen
- deploy type = blue/green
- env config
- app location = auto copy asg
- asg name = demo-app-asg
- elb = demo-app rollback = when dep fails
- service role arn = arn of demo-app-codedeploy-service-role created above
arn=$(aws iam get-role --role-name demo-app-codedeploy-service-role --query "Role.Arn" --output text) aws deploy create-application --application-name demo-app # aws deploy create-deployment-group --application-name demo-app --deployment-group-name demo-app-bluegreen --deployment-style deploymentType=BLUE_GREEN,deploymentOption=WITH_TRAFFIC_CONTROL --blue-green-deployment-configuration 'terminateBlueInstancesOnDeploymentSuccess={action=TERMINATE,terminationWaitTimeInMinutes=10},deploymentReadyOption={actionOnTimeout="CONTINUE_DEPLOYMENT",waitTimeInMinutes=0},greenFleetProvisioningOption={action="COPY_AUTO_SCALING_GROUP"}' --auto-scaling-groups demo-app-asg --load-balancer-info targetGroupInfoList=[{name=demo-app}] --auto-rollback-configuration enabled=true,events="DEPLOYMENT_FAILURE" --service-role-arn $arn #this can be used to see the resulting config: aws deploy get-deployment-group --deployment-group-name demo-app-bluegreen --application-name demo-app #deploy build to test new configs aws deploy push --application-name demo-app --s3-location s3://demo-app-$(date +%Y%m%d)/demo-app --source . aws deploy create-deployment --application-name demo-app --s3-location bucket=demo-app-$(date +%Y%m%d),key=demo-app,bundleType=zip,eTag=FOO --deployment-group-name demo-app-bluegreen --deployment-config-name CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime --description test-the-new-app
prep the codepipeline JSON file with your account specifics
ACC_NUM=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --output text --query 'Account') sed -i "s/YOURACCOUNTNUMBER/$ACC_NUM/g" demo-app-pipeline.json sed -i "s/DATE/$(date +%Y%m%d)/g" demo-app-pipeline.json
Commit these changes into your CodeCommit repo
git add demo-app-pipeline.json git commit -m"add my unique VPC settings to pipeline config" git push codecommit
create codepipeline
- name = demo-app
- source = codecommit
- repo = demo-app
- branch = master
- build provider = add jenkins
- provider name = work_jenkins
- url =
- project name = demo-app
- deploy provider = codedeploy
- app name = demo-app
- deploy group = demo-app-group
- role name = codepipeline-service-role
- commands (replace capitalized words in the below referenced demo-app-pipeline.json file to your unique values)
aws iam create-role --role-name codepipeline-service-role --assume-role-policy-document file://aws-policies/codepipeline-service-role.json aws codepipeline create-pipeline --cli-input-json file://demo-app-pipeline.json
Setup CodePipeline to deploy when new code is commited to demo-app codecommit.
- browse to the AWS Web Console and select edit next to your demo-app in CodePipeline
- Select the pencil next to Source to edit that stage
- scroll down to change detection options and expand it
- with the Use Amazon CloudWatch Event option selected, click the Update button. this will setup an SNS topic and cloudwatch events to start your piipeline when new code is pushed into your demo-app codecommit repo.
By now, your pipeline should be performing its initial deploy of your application onto a fresh instance within the ASG fronted by your ELB. If it's far enough along in the process, you should be able to browse to your ELB and see the index.html file being served by the instances apache webserver. If so, click the release hyperlink and you should see some details about the specific version of the app. If not, watch the deploy status each step along the way by browsing to CodePipeline and selecting the details
link in the Deploy stage.
- Deploy the above AWS CodePipeline "demo-app" using Hashicorps TERRAFORM Infrastructure as Code tool and its AWS Provider
- To see how to add Slack notifications, follow SLACK.
- For auto merging dev to master after passing tests, see MERGE
- Integrate with AWS Config