Donate extra cpu cycles to charity with Kubernetes, Docker and boinc.
edit scienceunited/account.env with your account information.
kubectl apply -k scienceunited
List Pods.
kubectl get po -l app=boinc -A
Then join a project or use a manager.
kubectl -n united exec -it boinc-d85b899c4-dlnk9 bash
boinccmd --acct_mgr attach "$URL" "$NAME" "$PASS"
Follow the pods logs
kubectl -n united logs -lapp=boinc -f
The initial container configuration is pointing to an updated boinc client (v7.16.3) for arm32v7 platform. To use in other platforms, edit base/deployment.yaml to point to the official boinc/client:latest image.
There is simple script controller
to issue commands directly in the running pods. It depends on jq.
# force account resync
./controller boinccmd --acct_mgr sync
# get currently assigned tasks
./controller boinccmd --get_tasks