v2.0 notes
This version of the wifi manager is a complete re-write of the way events are handled, hence v2.0.
v1.x used event groups exclusively which lead to a very hard to maintain architecture and I could not implement all the features I wanted without breaking code elsewhere.
This version 2.0 uses a queue and processes messages and events this way. It is without a doubt incredibly more versatile. As a results, a lot of the behaviour issues of the wifi manager simply solved themselves by the change of architecture.
New features
- Access Point automatically shuts down when the ESP32 is connected to a wifi. (issue: #9)
- DNS hijack automatically shuts down when the ESP32 is connected to a wifi.
- Auto-retry when connection is lost. After X retries, the access point starts again. Default is 2 retries.
- Access Point default IP set to to lessen the chances it overlaps with your local LAN range (run "make menuconfig" to change it)
- wifi scan is no longer blocking. It resolves then pushes back a "SCAN DONE" event. (issue: #40)
- There is no longer tasks in the main code. Now you just need to make a call to "wifi_manager_start" and everything else is done for you!
- Saved wifi is no longer overwritten by itself when app starts.
- Fixed issues where the HTTP server would not respond from its STA IP address. (issue: #36)
- pdMS_TO_TICKS macro replaced the "/ portTICK_PERIOD_MS" calls as it is the proper code style to transform time into RTOS ticks.