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Adding a working version of the script. Yeah!
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Thomas O'Dowd committed Oct 10, 2013
1 parent 6997b26 commit ba75b9d
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Showing 2 changed files with 370 additions and 5 deletions.
40 changes: 35 additions & 5 deletions
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@@ -1,12 +1,42 @@
# lemondcsv

This script converts a native Lemond Revolution Power Pilot CVS
workout file to a Garmin TCX file. The TCX file can be then imported
into applications such as Strava or Garmin Connect.

Simply run the program from the shell as follows:
## Power Pilot Supported Firmare Versions

./ 09261300.CSV > 09261300.tcx
Currently this script only supports firmware version 63 of the
Lemond Power Pilot. If you have a lower version, I highly recomend
installing the latest version which is currently 63 as a lot of
bugs have been fixed. See [the Lemond Website][] for details.

To check your Power Pilot firmware version press and hold HR/KCAL for
two seconds. The firmware version is shown in the lower right quadrant
of the screen.

If your Power Pilot has a newer firmware than 63, please let me
know and send a sample CSV workout file. I will try to fix the
script if possible.

## Strava and Speed

This version of the script includes a fix for Strava so that it
correctly shows distance and speed.

## Merging Multiple CSV files to one TCX workout

I've heard that if you cycle over a certain number of hours, the
Power Pilot will create multiple files to represent that single
workout. I'm not dedicated enough it seems so I haven't seen this
happen yet. As a result, I don't know how to properly convert a
group of CSV files into one TCX workout. If you have a workout
session (on firmware 63) with multiple files, please send them
to me so that I can adjust the script to work with it.

## Running the Script

Simply run the script from the shell as follows:

./ 09261300.CSV > 09261300.tcx

NOTE: Nearly got enough for a first checkin... standby.
335 changes: 335 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2013 Thomas O'Dowd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

This script converts a native Lemond Revolution Power Pilot CVS
workout file to a Garmin TCX file. The TCX file can be then imported
into applications such as Strava or Garmin Connect.
Simply run the program from the shell as follows:
./ 09261300.CSV > 09261300.tcx

# Some TODO:
# Check error cases like missing file, bad format etc
# Add some sample files for future reference
# Known Bugs:
# 1. Lemond format doesn't provide a year so we have to guess based
# on the current year. At New Year we'll probably be wrong!
# 2. Do we have to care about daylight savings?
# 3. I've heard that if you cycle over a certain number of hours, the
# Power Pilot will create multiple files to represent that workout.
# I haven't tried this yet, so I don't know how to convert such a
# file. If you have a session with multiple files, please send them
# to me so that I can adjust the script to work with it.

import sys
import csv
import time
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement


XSI = ''
XSD = ''
XML_NS = ''
EXT_NS = ''

class Point:
The Power Pilot logs a data point every second with information
such as speed, distance, heartrate, power etc. This object
represents one particular data point.
def __init__(self, csvrow):
self.secs = self.timeToSecs(csvrow[0])
self.speed = float(csvrow[1])
self.dist = float(csvrow[2])
self.power = int(csvrow[3])
self.heart = int(csvrow[4])
self.cadence = int(csvrow[5])
self.calories = int(csvrow[6])
self.torque = int(csvrow[7]) = csvrow[8]

def timeToSecs(self, tstr):
t = time.strptime(tstr, '%H:%M:%S')
return (t.tm_hour * 3600) + (t.tm_min * 60) + t.tm_sec

def __str__(self):
return "%d %f %d" % (self.secs, self.speed, self.power)

def trackpointElement(self, start):
tp = Element('Trackpoint')
time = SubElement(tp, 'Time')
time.text = Revolution.isoTimestamp(start + self.secs)
dist = SubElement(tp, 'DistanceMeters')
dist.text = str(self.dist * 1000)
heart = SubElement(tp, 'HeartRateBpm')
heartvalue = SubElement(heart, 'Value')
heartvalue.text = str(self.heart)
cadence = SubElement(tp, 'Cadence')
cadence.text = str(self.cadence)
ext = SubElement(tp, 'Extensions')
tpx = SubElement(ext, 'TPX', {'xmlns': EXT_NS})
mps = Revolution.metersPerSec(self.speed)
speed = SubElement(tpx, 'Speed')
speed.text = str(mps)
watts = SubElement(tpx, 'Watts')
watts.text = str(self.power)
return tp

def trackpointExtension(self, ext, tag, text):
tpx = SubElement(ext, 'TPX', {'xmlns': EXT_NS})
value = SubElement(tpx, tag)
value.text = str(text)

def parsePointHdr(csvrow):
We assume the order of the fields when parsing the points
so we fail if the headers are unexpectedly ordered or
missing or more than expected.
if len(csvrow) != 9:
raise Exception("Expected 9 cols, got %d" % len(csvrow))
exp = []
exp.append("HEART RATE")
if exp != csvrow:
raise Exception("Unexpected Header %s != %s" % (exp, csvrow))

class Revolution:
The object represents the complete Lemond Revolution workout file.
def __init__(self, file):
self.maxSpeed = 0
self.maxHeart = 0
self.maxCadence = 0
self.maxWatts = 0
self.ttlSpeed = 0
self.ttlHeart = 0
self.ttlCadence = 0
self.ttlWatts = 0
self.ttlDist = 0 # meters

def readCSV(self, file):
fp = open(file, 'rb')
rdr = csv.reader(fp)
self.points = []
for row in rdr:
p = Point(row)

def fixDistance(self, p):
# Current version of lemond uses km to 1 decimal place for
# distance travelled. Therefore distance by default only
# increments every 100m travelled which means many points
# share the same distance so it appears we are not moving.
# As Strava uses distance to calculate speed, we correct
# the distance by using speed.
mps = Revolution.metersPerSec(p.speed)
self.ttlDist += mps
p.dist = self.ttlDist / 1000 # km

def collectStats(self, p):
self.ttlSpeed += p.speed
self.ttlHeart += p.heart
self.ttlCadence += p.cadence
self.ttlWatts += p.power
if p.speed > self.maxSpeed:
self.maxSpeed = p.speed
if p.heart > self.maxHeart:
self.maxHeart = p.heart
if p.cadence > self.maxCadence:
self.maxCadence = p.cadence
if p.power > self.maxWatts:
self.maxWatts = p.power

def parseDeviceHdr(self, csvrow):
if len(csvrow) != 11:
raise Exception("Expected 11 cols, got %d" % len(csvrow))
self.make = csvrow[0].strip()
self.model = csvrow[1].strip()
if (self.make, self.model) != ("LeMond", "Revolution"):
raise Exception("Not a LeMond Revolution CSV workout file")
self.fw = self.parseInt(csvrow[2], "FW")
if self.fw not in SUPPORTED_FIRMWARE:
err = "Power Pilot Firmware %d is not supported. " % self.fw
err += "The following versions are supported "
raise Exception(err)
self.hw = self.parseInt(csvrow[3], "HW")
self.startsec = self.parseTime(csvrow[4], csvrow[5])
self.alt = self.parseInt(csvrow[6], "Alt")
self.temp = self.parseInt(csvrow[7], "Temp")
self.humid = self.parseInt(csvrow[8], "Hum")
self.tire = self.parseInt(csvrow[9], "Tire") = self.parseInt(csvrow[10], "CF")

def parseInt(self, str, tag):
list = str.split(' ')
if list[0] != tag:
raise Exception("Expected %s, got %s" % (tag, list[0]))
return int(list[1])

def parseTime(self, dstr, tstr):
# No year provided by lemond. Use current
ct = time.localtime()
# Parse using current year and localtime
# as power pilot is most likely set to localtime
str = "%d/%s %s" % (ct.tm_year, dstr, tstr)
t = time.strptime(str, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
# TODO: set Daylight Savings based on the current time
# TODO: fix end of year issues due to missing year
return time.mktime(t)

def isoTimestamp(seconds):
# Use UTC for isoTimestamp
tm = time.gmtime(seconds)
return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z", tm)

def metersPerSec(speed):
return speed / 3.6

def writeTCX(self):
tcdb = self.trainingCenterDB()
print ElementTree.tostring(tcdb, encoding='UTF-8')

def trainingCenterDB(self):
dict = {'xsi:schemaLocation': XML_NS + ' ' + XSD,
'xmlns': XML_NS,
'xmlns:xsi': XSI}
tcdb = Element('TrainingCenterDatabase', dict)
acts = SubElement(tcdb, 'Activities')
return tcdb

def addActivity(self, acts):
act = SubElement(acts, 'Activity', {'Sport': 'Biking'})
id = SubElement(act, 'Id')
id.text = Revolution.isoTimestamp(self.startsec)

def addCreator(self, act):
c = SubElement(act, 'Creator', {'xsi:type': 'Device_t'})
name = SubElement(c, 'Name')
name.text = "%s %s" % (self.make, self.model)
unit = SubElement(c, 'UnitId')
unit.text = '0'
prd = SubElement(c, 'ProductID')
prd.text = str(self.hw)
ver = SubElement(c, 'Version')
vmaj = SubElement(ver, 'VersionMajor')
vmaj.text = str(self.fw)
vmin = SubElement(ver, 'VersionMinor')
vmin.text = '0'
bmaj = SubElement(ver, 'BuildMajor')
bmaj.text = '0'
bmin = SubElement(ver, 'BuildMinor')
bmin.text = '0'

def addAuthor(self, tcdb):
a = SubElement(tcdb, 'Author', {'xsi:type': 'Application_t'})
name = SubElement(a, 'Name')
name.text = 'Revolution CSV to TCX Convertor'
build = SubElement(a, 'Build')
ver = SubElement(build, 'Version')
vmaj = SubElement(ver, 'VersionMajor')
vmaj.text = '1'
vmin = SubElement(ver, 'VersionMinor')
vmin.text = '0'
bmaj = SubElement(ver, 'BuildMajor')
bmaj.text = '0'
bmin = SubElement(ver, 'BuildMinor')
bmin.text = '0'
lang = SubElement(a, 'LangID')
lang.text = 'en'
partnum = SubElement(a, 'PartNumber')
partnum.text = 'none'

def addLap(self, act):
st = Revolution.isoTimestamp(self.startsec)
lap = SubElement(act, 'Lap', {'StartTime': st})
last = len(self.points) - 1
tts = SubElement(lap, 'TotalTimeSeconds')
tts.text = str(self.points[last].secs)
dist = SubElement(lap, 'DistanceMeters')
dist.text = str(self.points[last].dist * 1000)
ms = SubElement(lap, 'MaximumSpeed')
ms.text = str(Revolution.metersPerSec(self.maxSpeed))
calories = SubElement(lap, 'Calories')
calories.text = str(self.points[last].calories)
avgheart = SubElement(lap, 'AverageHeartRateBpm')
avgheartvalue = SubElement(avgheart, 'Value')
avgheartvalue.text = str(self.ttlHeart / (last+1))
maxheart = SubElement(lap, 'MaximumHeartRateBpm')
maxheartvalue = SubElement(maxheart, 'Value')
maxheartvalue.text = str(self.maxHeart)
intensity = SubElement(lap, 'Intensity')
intensity.text = 'Active'
cadence = SubElement(lap, 'Cadence')
cadence.text = str(self.ttlCadence / (last+1))
trigger = SubElement(lap, 'TriggerMethod')
trigger.text = 'Manual'
ext = SubElement(lap, 'Extensions')
self.LapExtension(ext, 'MaxBikeCadence', self.maxCadence)
avgspeed = Revolution.metersPerSec(self.ttlSpeed / (last+1))
self.LapExtension(ext, 'AvgSpeed', avgspeed)
avgwatts = self.ttlWatts / (last+1)
self.LapExtension(ext, 'AvgWatts', avgwatts)
self.LapExtension(ext, 'MaxWatts', self.maxWatts)

def LapExtension(self, ext, tag, text):
tpx = SubElement(ext, 'LX', {'xmlns': EXT_NS})
value = SubElement(tpx, tag)
value.text = str(text)

def trackElement(self):
t = Element('Track')
for p in self.points:
return t

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
sys.stderr.write("Usage: %s workout.csv > workout.tcx\n" % sys.argv[0])
revo = Revolution(sys.argv[1])

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