ste·ga·no·graph·y The practice of concealing messages or information within other nonsecret text or data.
sTego is a command line application built on JavaScript & Node.js to hide and reveal files from within images using LSB steganography (in tandem with AES-256-CTR encryption for that extra kick).
![enter image description here](
What does that mean?
Do you want to send secret messages to a backdoor friend, but you're afraid of it being deciphered?
Hide your commands messages within a harmless image and let it breeze past their suspicions.
Cool! Who built it? It was built by a cool BTECH Network Security Student named @TRatnayake for the COMP 8505 course at BCIT.
- Node.js version 0.12 or higher
- Cover image must be a .bmp
You can use sTego in two ways, either via command line arguments (if you're a pro h4x0r) or via prompts.
First install dependencies npm install
Command Line Arguments: Hiding An Image Format:
node dcstego.js <embedFile> <coverImage> <outputFile> <encryptionKey>
Example:node dcstego.js text.txt ./images/coverImage.bmp secretImage.bmp password
Revealing An Image Format:
node dcstego.js <secretFilePath> <decryptionKey>
Example:node dcstego.js secretImage.bmp password
Prompts: Hiding An Image
node dcstego
- Encryption! All messages are further encrypted using AES-256-CTR provided by the node.js CRYPTO module.
- Amazing Efficiency! You can store 3 bits of information for each pixel in a cover image!
- Cool Prompts! Multi-coloured terminal prompts, so you don't get confused by a non GUI interface