Releases: ujh/iomrascalai
- Fixes a bug where the bot passed too early and lost won games because of it. #261
- Resign lost games earlier. This speeds up the benchmark and is also nicer for humans. #264
- Speed up the calculations of the priors by moving them into the worker threads. #275
- Implement the
GTP command. #289 - Implement the
GTP command. #290 - Improve the scoring accuracy when the game is over. #292
- Fix bug where some rotations of the small patterns were missing. #299
- Implemented the
custom GTP command. A GoGui analyze compatible command to show the number of playouts that went through each child node of the root (i.e. each point on the board) #293
The benchmarks were run on a c4.8xlarge EC2 instance with 8 worker threads.
After running 500 games on 9x9 with komi 6.5 and a time limit of 2 minutes (sudden death) the win rate against GnuGo 3.8 level 0 was 76.2% (± 3.71 at 95%, ± 3.79 at 99%) with the default configuration. It agreed on the final score with GnuGo in 74.09% (± 4.35 at 95%, ± 4.44 at 99%) of games.
After running 1000 games on 13x13 with komi 6.5 and a time limit of 10 minutes (sudden death) the win rate against GnuGo 3.8 level 0 was 42.8% (± 3.05 at 95%, ± 3.11 at 99%) with the default configuration. It agreed on the final score with GnuGo in 59.78% (± 4.53 at 95%, ± 4.63 at 99%) of games.
- Implemented
which shows the intersections on the board that the bot thinks are
safe (i.e. definitely belong to one color). - Stop playing when all intersections are decided (i.e. the bot thinks
they belong to a certain color). - Implement
- Implement Chinese scoring
- Return to command line arguments for turning on/off logging, GoGui
effects, and ruleset configuration.
Note that we now use Chinese rules instead of CGOS/Tromp Taylor rules
which may change the results.
After running 500 games on 9x9 with komi 6.5 and a time limit of 5
minutes (sudden death) the win rate against GnuGo 3.8 level 0 was
77.4% (± 3.65 at 95%, ± 3.72 at 99%) with the default
After running 500 games on 13x13 with komi 6.5 and a time limit of 10
minutes (sudden death) the win rate against GnuGo 3.8 level 0 was
35.2% (± 4.16 at 95%, ± 4.25 at 99%) with the default
- Added 3x3 pattern support. These are used as priors in the tree and
during the playouts. - Added the RAVE heuristic to the search.
- Terminate search early if the best move is ahead by a lot.
- Changed the way to change the configuration of the engine. Everything is now stored inside a
TOML file instead of having command line switches for everything. - Measure the playouts per second per thread and display it when logging is turned on.
- Scripts to run CLOP parameter optimization.
- Removed all weak engines (random, AMAF, MC).
- Clarified the licensing (scripts are MIT licensed).
- Added a code of conduct.
Note that the measurement of the error margins have changed. We now calculate proper 95% and 99% confidence intervals whereas previously we only used the ~68% standard deviation.
After running 500 games on 9x9 with komi 6.5 and a time limit of 5 minutes (sudden death) the win rate against GnuGo 3.8 level 0 was 85.40% (± 3.08 at 95%, ± 3.14 at 99%) with the default configuration.
After running 500 games on 13x13 with komi 6.5 and a time limit of 10 minutes (sudden death) the win rate against GnuGo 3.8 level 0 was 36.6% (± 4.2 at 95%, ± 4.29 at 99%) with the default configuration.
This release doesn't contain any new features. But as the last release happened quite a long time ago and there were some (small) internal changes a new release seems to be in order. Also the Rust compiler changed a lot in between and changed the performace.
After running 200 games on 9x9 with komi 6.5 and a time limit of 5 minutes (sudden death) the win rate against GnuGo 3.8 level 0 was 65.5% ± 3.4 for the default engine with 8 threads.
After running 200 games on 13x13 with komi 6.5 and a time limit of 10 minutes (sudden death) the win rate against GnuGo 3.8 level 0 was 10% ± 2.1 for the default engine with 8 threads.
- Playout the aftermath by default on CGOS
- Play in the middle of big eyes during playouts
- Resign lost games faster (to save time)
After running 200 games on 9x9 with komi 6.5 and a time limit of 5
minutes (sudden death) the win rate against GnuGo 3.8 level 0 was 75.5%
± 3% for the default engine with 8 threads.
After running 200 games on 13x13 with komi 6.5 and a time limit of 10
minutes (sudden death) the win rate against GnuGo 3.8 level 0 was 6%
± 1.7% for the default engine with 8 threads.
- A two liberty solver (can prove if a group with up to two stones is
dead) - A set of priors for the UCT tree
- One that prioritizes killing opponent groups
- One that discourages putting one's own groups into danger
- One to disourage plays on the first two lines if no other stones
are close by
After running 200 games on 9x9 with komi 6.5 and a time limit of 5
minutes (sudden death) the win rate against GnuGo 3.8 level 0 was 70%
± 3.2% for the default engine with 8 threads.
After running 200 games on 13x13 with komi 6.5 and a time limit of 10
minutes (sudden death) the win rate against GnuGo 3.8 level 0 was 11%
± 2.2% for the default engine with 8 threads.
- New UCT policy UCB1tuned
- Reuse the subtree from the previous genmove
- Seki detection in the self atari code in the playouts
After running 100 games on 9x9 with komi 6.5 and a time limit of 5 minutes (sudden death) the win rate against GnuGo 3.8 level 0 was 35% ± 4.8% for the default engine with 8 threads.