A Lezer grammar for the tasl schema language.
⚠️ This is a low-level library for parsing the AST of the schema language - if you want to parse .tasl files into propertasl.Schema
objects, you want to use the maintasl
package instead.
npm i lezer-tasl
import { parser } from "lezer-tasl"
const tree = parser.parse(`# hello world
namespace s http://schema.org/
class s:Person {
s:name -> string
// do something with tree.cursor() or tree.topNode ...
You can find documentation for the LR parser interface on the Lezer website.
import type { LRParser } from "@lezer/lr"
export const parser: LRParser
Tests use AVA 4 and live in the test directory.
npm run test
This library is just intended to export the compiled lezer grammar, so I don't expect to add any features or functionality beyond that. If you find issues with the grammar definition itself please open an issue to discuss them!
MIT © 2021 Joel Gustafson