SLOAM was developed and tested using Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS Noetic and GCC 9.3. After all dependencies are installed you can continue following the main README file from Build workspace
Create a folder called thirdparty
to clone the packages that will be compiled with CMake.
mkdir ~/thirdparty
cd ~/thirdparty
apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
software-properties-common \
build-essential \
gdb \
libeigen3-dev \
libglfw3-dev \
libglew-dev \
libtclap-dev \
libtins-dev \
libpcap-dev \
git clone && \
cd fmt && \
git checkout 215f21a0382d325efa66df53fbfbfddb020a2234 && \
mkdir build && cd build && \
cmake .. && make && make install
git clone && \
cd glog && \
git checkout ee6faf13b20de9536f456bd84584f4ab4db1ceb4 && \
mkdir build && cd build && \
cmake .. && make && make install
git clone && \
cd Sophus && \
git checkout 49a7e1286910019f74fb4f0bb3e213c909f8e1b7 && \
mkdir build && cd build && \
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. && make && make install
git clone && \
cd ceres-solver && \
git checkout 206061a6ba02dc91286b18da48825f7a9ef561f0 && \
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make && make install
pip install pytest==6.2.1 onnx==1.10.1
cd /tmp && \
git clone --recursive --branch v1.8.2 && \
cd onnxruntime && \
./ \
--config RelWithDebInfo \
--build_shared_lib \
--build_wheel \
--skip_tests \
--parallel 8 && \
cd build/Linux/RelWithDebInfo && \
make install && \
pip install dist/* && cd ..
change --parallel n
as you would make -jn
to speed process
apt-get install -y \
ros-noetic-rviz \
ros-noetic-tf2-eigen \
ros-noetic-pcl-ros \
ros-noetic-pcl-conversions \
ros-noetic-cv-bridge \
ros-noetic-image-transport \
ros-noetic-image-geometry \
ros-noetic-rqt-image-view \
ros-noetic-eigen-conversions \
ros-noetic-robot-localization \
python3-catkin-tools \