Add three.js objects to Google Maps Platform JS. The library provides a ThreeJSOverlayView
class extending google.maps.WebGLOverlayView
and utility functions such as latLngToMeters
, latLngToVector3
, and latLngToVector3Relative
, for converting latitude and longitude to vectors in the mercator coordinate space.
Note: This library requires the beta version of Google Maps Platform JavaScript.
Available via npm as the package @googlemaps/three.
npm i @googlemaps/three
Alternatively you may add the umd package directly to the html document using the unpkg link.
<script src=""></script>
When adding via unpkg, the package can be accessed at google.maps.plugins.three
. A version can be specified by using
If you get the error, Uncaught ReferenceError: three is not defined
, please see this discussion.
Checkout the the reference documentation.
Note: All methods and objects in this library follow a default up axis of (0, 1, 0), y up, matching that of three.js.
Note: You must pass a reference to THREE in the constructor of the
class. It may be beneficial to pass a subset of THREE to better enable tree shaking.
The following example provides a skeleton for adding objects to the map with this library.
import * as THREE from 'three';
const map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), mapOptions);
// instantiate a ThreeJS Scene
const scene = new THREE.Scene();
// Create a box mesh
const box = new THREE.Mesh(
new THREE.BoxGeometry(10, 50, 10),
new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial(),
// set position at center of map
// set position vertically
// add box mesh to the scene
// instantiate the ThreeJS Overlay with the scene and map
new ThreeJSOverlayView({
// rotate the box using requestAnimationFrame
const animate = () => {
// start animation loop
This adds a box to the map.
View the package in action: