Small library to easily deal with websockets using .NET Standard 2.0.
PM> Install-Package Valudio.NetSocket
This library comes with a middleware
that you can use in your Startup.cs
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddRealTimeComm(); // this will inject all the services
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
app.UseRealTimeComm(); // this will start listening (Note that you can pass the ports your application will be listening here)
if (env.IsDevelopment()) app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage();
Once you have set this up the next step is to create your own classes extending SocketServiceBase
. You will have 4 methods to override:
// this will be executed whenever a new websocket is open.
public virtual void OnClientInitialized(IClient client) { }
// this will be executed whenever the server receives some message.
public virtual void OnMessageReceived(IClient fromClient, string message) { }
// this will be executed whenever the server sents any message to some client
public virtual void OnMessageSent(IClient toClient, string message, IClient fromClient) { }
// this will be executed whenever a websocket is closed.
public virtual void OnClientClosed(IClient client) { }
Besides those virtual methods
you've got some other methods that will be useful to send
// just like the method's name says... sends a message to everyone.
Task SendAllClientsAsync(string message, IClient fromClient = null);
// sends a message to all the clients except the one you pass as a parameter.
Task SendAllClientsExceptAsync(IClient except, string message, IClient fromClient = null);
// sends a message to all the clients except the ones you pass as a parameter.
Task SendAllClientsExceptAsync(IEnumerable<IClient> except, string message, IClient fromClient = null);
// sends a message to a specific client.
Task SendClientAsync(IClient toClient, string message, IClient fromClient = null);
Let's say you want to not use one of your SocketServices
(your classes extending SocketServiceBase
). You've got the option to mark them with an attribute SocketServiceAttribute
// setting this attribute to false will make this service not to be used by the middleware.
// this attribute is only necessary to deactivate the service. If not present
public class HelloTimerService : SocketServiceBase
public HelloTimerService(ISocketManager manager) : base(manager)
var timer = new System.Threading.Timer(async (o) =>
await SendAllClientsAsync($"Hello at {DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime()}");
}, null, 0, 30000);
If you want to send additional custom data through the socket connection you can add it to the url as a query string
var url = "ws://¶m2=value";
var socket = new WebSocket(url);
You will receive that data in the property AdditionalParameters
as a Dictionary<string, StringValues>
in the IClient
passed as a parameter to the virtual methods
of your SocketServices
Run one of the example projects and then use Simple Web Socket Client for Chrome, for instance, in order to setup a websocket connection.
Alternatively, if you don't want to run the examples, you can use this url ws:// The website also has a simple form to test it
Bear in mind this is a F1 free Azure Machine so it will have to start-up first. Stay calm if first request takes longer than it should. ;D