Bank Application Demo in .NET Console Application using C++ using File handling to store data.
Create a prototype of a program that simulates a bank. More precisely, the program should be able to store the family name and given name of a client, their unique account number (a number between 10000 and 10099), and the balance of their account.
1. Add a bank account.
2. Remove a bank account. (optional)
3. Display the information of a particular client’s account. (by account number)
4. Apply a deposit to a particular account. (by account number)
5. Apply a withdrawal from a particular account. (by account number)
6. Sort and display the list of clients according to their balance, family name and given name, in ascending or descending order.
7. Display the average balance value of the accounts.
8. Display the total balance value of the accounts.
9. Exit the application.
• The maximum number of accounts for this application is 100 accounts.
• All input must be validated.
• Each task out of the various functionalities should be delegated to an appropriate function.
-Download and open the 'Practical project Banking system.docx' file.