An implementation of ''ColorSlide'' game design over Base0 starter code.
Base0 is the starter code for the game0 in the 15-466-f17 course. It was developed by Jim McCann, and is hereby released into the public domain.
Note that Base0 is attempting to illustrate a very straightfoward "get it done" philosophy of game code design -- I've purposefully removed some of the conveniences one typically uses to sweep things under the rug.
This is because game0 does not need such conveniences. It is simple because game0 is simple.
The game follows the design document, with the following minor changes:
- Sliding the base color bar is based on left/right arrow keys
- Spacebar toggles between missiles falling straight down and with random directions(default)
- As score increases, frequency of missiles rather than their speed increases
- glm
- libSDL2
- modern C++ compiler
On Linux or OSX these requirements should be available from your package manager without too much hassle.
g++ -g -Wall -Werror -o main main.cpp Draw.cpp `sdl2-config --cflags --libs` -lGL
clang++ -g -Wall -Werror -o main main.cpp Draw.cpp `sdl2-config --cflags --libs`
Before building, clone kit-libs-win into the kit-libs-win
git clone
Now you can:
nmake -f
cl.exe /EHsc /W3 /WX /MD /Ikit-libs-win\out\include /Ikit-libs-win\out\include\SDL2 main.cpp Draw.cpp gl_shims.cpp /link /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /LIBPATH:kit-libs-win\out\lib SDL2main.lib SDL2.lib OpenGL32.lib
copy kit-libs-win\out\dist\SDL2.dll .