The backbone-orm-website project. It uses Jade and Stylus to generate a static website.
- app: the Vidigami corporate website application
- vendor: 3rd party libraries
- assets: non-script and non-css files (they don't get minified)
- fonts
- images
- scripts: 3rd party javascript files. They all are concatenated into vendor.js
- styles: 3rd party css files. They all are concatenated into vendor.css
- assets: non-script and non-css files (they don't get minified)
- css
- app.css
- vendor.css
- fonts
- images
- js
- app.js
- vendor.js
- *.html
Install Node.js:
run npm install in the root directory:
$ npm install
- Install global node modules
$ sudo npm install grunt-cli -g
To compile assets and watch for changes, run:
$ grunt
To compile minified assets for release, run:
$ grunt release