Collection of IPython scripts used for accessing remote sensed data from NASA servers and scripts used for post processing flood simulation results from CFAST
- Extracts GPM IMERG Rainfall data for a specified sub region from the NASA GES DISC THREDDS SERVER and plots IFD Curves
- Reads netCDF data from the APHRODITE Website ( and plotting the data for a specified region
- Extracts GPM IMERG data for a specified duration, combines the data and plot the data for a specified region
- Combines flood height rasters from CFAST results to compare increasing flood extents due to sea-level rise
- Script to process flood simualtion results from the validation simulations (flood event in 2011) and compaare the results with the historical data
Script to read the GLDAS soil types netCDF data and map it to the Green Ampt infiltration parameters and save the parameters as geotiffs