I was able to create a table below containing 20 rows of information:
In Sheet1 i used the filter function to filter off other Job Types remaining Freelancers Then used value range to obtain the highest and lowest salary then hight them as below:
In Sheet2, i used duplication function to check if there were duplicates but there wasnt as in the table below:
In Sheet3 i used Max and Min function to determine the highest and lowes salary Then highted accordingly green highest salary and red lowest salary as below:
Below are the results from the analysis of a Sales Data. Results here are gotten from using SUM, SUB, AVERAGE and MAX functions in excel.
I created a column named 'Sales Range' using =IF(I2>=AVERAGE($I$1:$I$701),"High Sales","Low Sales") to return 'High Sales' if the sale value is above average otherwise return Low sales as in the table below: