- Saiku with Fix for Pentaho 9x
- Saiku with Fix for Pentaho 8x
In the last months the saiku project has not been improving or managing the Pull Request of the project or even generating licenses on the site, here you can download a version with all the bubs found to run it in the 9x version of Pentaho Community
Bug Fix:
- Export data to Excel / XLS.
- Export data to Experimental PDF.
- Export graphics to PDF and PNG.
- Updated batik, cda, cpf and cpk libraries.
- Update libraries Apache Poi (poi,poi-ooxml,poi-scratchpad)
- Added saiku.properties file in the root folder with momentary for Windows/ISO and Location settings.
- Hidden advertisements.
- Valid license included.
Remove your folder of Saiku yourpehtahopath/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/saiku
Unzip saiku-fix-release-version (Sample 9x https://github.com/ambientelivre/saiku-fix/releases/download/9x/saiku-fix-pentaho9.zip) and copy folder saiku for /pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/
Others versions realeses : https://github.com/ambientelivre/saiku-fix/releases