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Analyser Overview

Laura Rettig edited this page Aug 16, 2024 · 7 revisions

A list of Analysers implemented in vitrivr-engine. This document is both, an overview for users of vitrivr-engine, but also a good starting point for potential contributors.

All descriptors, regardless of analyser do have two sub-fields (in this order): id (DescriptorId) and retrievableId (RetrievableId). The former is the unique id per descriptor, the latter the foreign key of the retrievable.

Core Module

Analysers from the core module.

Exif Metadata (StructDescriptor)

Analyser Name: ExifMetadata

Base Descriptor: StructDescriptor

The Exif Metadata analyser is capable of reading exif metadata.


A StructDescriptor has subfields an no value.


The subfields of this analyser are configurable


Sub-Field Description Type
startNs The start point, relative to the beginning and in nanoseconds Long
endNs The end point, relative to the beginning and in nanoseconds Long

Local Context Properties:


For exif metadata, the ExifMetadata Analyser can be used. For each exif tag that should be included, a parameter with the name "{EXIF_DIRECTORY_NAME}_{TAG_NAME}" must be set to a type. Keys that do not match an exif tag via the aforementioned pattern are interpreted to be custom metadata tags that are stored in the exif UserComment tag in JSON format. Each parameter corresponds to a sub-field. Here is an example with custom "time_zone" metadata:

        "exif": {
          "factory": "ExifMetadata",
          "parameters": {
            "ExifSubIFD_FocalLength": "INT",
            "ExifSubIFD_ApertureValue": "FLOAT",
            "ExifSubIFD_DateTimeOriginal": "DATETIME",
            "ExifSubIFD_MeteringMode": "STRING",
            "time_zone": "STRING"

For extraction, the exif UserComment of images might look like this:

{"time_zone": "Europe/Berlin", "hours_awake": 12}

File Source Metadata

Analyser Name: FileSourceMetadata

Base Descriptor: StructDescriptor

Provides the path of the source file, as well as its size.


A StructDescriptor has subfields an no value.


Sub-Field Description Type
path The absolut path of the file String
size The file's size in bytes Long


Local Context Properties:


Video Source Metadata

Analyser Name: VideoSourceMetadata

Provides basic metadata of the video file, such as width and height (in pixels), frames per seconds and some.


A StructDescriptor has subfields an no value.


Sub-Field Description Type
width The width in pixels Int
height The height in pixels Int
fps The video's frames per second Double
channels The video's channels Int
sampleRate The sample rate Int
sampleSize The sample size Int

Local Context Properties:


Temporal Metadata

Analyser Name: TemporalMetadata

Base Descriptor: StructDescriptor

Provides temporal information (e.g. of the segment)


A StructDescriptor has subfields an no value.


Sub-Field Description Type
startNs The start point, relative to the beginning and in nanoseconds Long
endNs The end point, relative to the beginning and in nanoseconds Long

Local Context Properties:


Features Module

Analysers from the features module.

Feature Extraction Server Module

Analyser Name: one of: ASR, OCR, DenseEmbedding

Base Descriptor: one of: StringDescriptor (base: ScalarDescriptor), FloatVectorDescriptor (base: VectorDescriptor)

Analysers which wrap the Feature Extraction Server. Requires a running FES instance.


Value depends on concrete analyser



Local Context Properties:

Property Description
host The host of the Feature Extraction Server microservice, including the protocol (which is either http:// or https://)
model The name of the model to be used (optional, as there are default models defined).
length For vector based analysers mandatory, specifying their length.

M3D Module