Pokemon Go[lang]
Thanks and apologies to the following articles and resources:
To run this monstrosity, execute make pokemon
within the directory.
Then you can run ./pokemon-go -filename <whatever>
to run any syntactically correct pokemon-go[lang] program.
A complete list of correspondences to traditional go keywords:
break: "scorbunny",
case: "pidgey",
chan: "beedrill",
const: "pidgeot",
continue: "rattata",
default: "ekans",
defer: "raichu",
else: "mimikyu",
fallthrough: "charizard",
for: "nidoran",
func: "pikachu",
go: "clefairy",
goto: "vulpix",
if: "diglett",
import: "dugtrio",
interface: "psyduck",
map: "poliwrath",
package: "geodude",
range: "slowpoke",
return: "dewgong",
select: "blastoise",
struct: "metapod",
switch: "butterfree",
type: "wartortle",
var: "charmander",