- PHP 7.4
- MySQL 8.0
- client_max_body_size 2048M
- memory_limit 256M
- upload_max_filesize 64M
- post_max_size 256M
Install this application with composer using the following command:
composer install
After installation, copy the .env.example file and rename it into .env, where you have to add the database credentials, and the mail credentials (I'm using mailhog for send emails - they are used just for the password reset) and run the following command for generating the application key:
php artisan key:generate
Now, run the following command for creating the tables and populating them with predefined data:
php artisan migrate --seed
For authenticate in the application, use the following credentials:
email: [email protected]
pass: admin
email: [email protected]
pass: pilot
email: [email protected]
pass: user
For generating dynamically trainings, use the following command, where count is the number of trainings (by default it will be generated 20 trainings, without videos):
php artisan generate:trainings {count?}
Copy the .env.example file and rename it into .env.testing, where you have to add the database credentials, with new database name, ex. technical_challenge_testing.
Run the migration command, for creating the testing database:
php artisan migrate --env=testing --seed
Run the following command:
$ phpunit