Pocket provides a compact package building environment with
non-privileged user access. It uses hasher-priv
for environment
All mainline procedures are implemented in one Pocketfile
in the GNU Make language. The Pocketfile
is generated from a
template which is modified based on the user configuration and given
customization parameters. The resulting Pocketfile
encapsulates the
code, a particular configuration and inline documentation and can be
used without pocket
-special utils, requiring only make
, UNIX core
utils and hasher-priv
for environment isolation. The only exception
is the initial network bootstrap procedure which requires some
additional utils, such as debootstrap
for Debian chroot.
templates are selected based on the environment "flavour".
Currently there is only one flavour --- "debian", --- providing a
minimal Debian system for building .deb
Powerful script that performs:
- pocket preparing
- optional pocket cleaning
- a package build
It is the core of build process.
$ pocket-build [options]
Available options:
- -h, --help Print help and exit
- -v, --verbose Print more useful information during work
- --dry-run Check input and print information about
- -r, --repos Set comma separated repository names list to use during build
- -m, --mount Overwrite comma separated list of host system mountpoints assigned in pocket configuration
- -C, --clean Full clear of chroot before build (for clean build)
- -c, Clear only all previously installed build depends before build
- --crepo, Additionaly clear internal repo before build
- --upg, Upgrade packages before build
- -d Set debian distribution name to build for (default:debian:jessie)
- -A, --all Build only arch independed packages (arch==all)
- -B, --any Build only arch depended packages (arch==any)
- -b, --bin Build only binary packages (arch==any|all)
- -S, --src Build only source packages
- -g, --allsrc Build only source & arch independed packages
- -G, --anysrc Build only source & arch depended packages
- -i, --indir Use this directory as source/input directory (default:.)
- -o, --outdir Use this directory as packages/output directory
- -P Overwrite pocket directory assigned in pocket configuration
- -j Limit number of CPU cores to use during build
Example of arches: armhf, i386, amd64
It is well when the scripts are installed in system from .deb package. But if you want to execute them without installation just call
$ . pocket/local.env
Now you can call the scripts from any place.