This repository includes full source code of the WuxingogoExtension libraries。
- Dynamic call method, change field and property object more easliy.
- Create AssetBundle extension (Unity 4.x && 5.x).
- Custom Attribute Collection(Inspector Drawer).
- Quick set unity prefs.
- Generated CSharpCode(CodeDom).
- Finite-State-Machine and Behaviour Tree Editor.
- Hierarchy Extension.
- Static and Stored GameManager: Control your game more easliy.(ScriptableObject)
Copy WuxingogoExtension folder to Assets/Plugins.
Command Line environment:
Windows : msbuild, python2.7(double click build.bat)
OSX : xbuild, python2.7(run
####XAssetBundleWindow. (Unity Version 4.X)
####XAssetBundleWindow. (Unity Version 5.X)
7Z Compress & Encrypt AssetsBundle
Incremental update in one file
The project have been moved to
####XBehaviour Window (Finite-State-Machine)
Finite-State-Machine Window.
This module have been moved to
Save Code Template
Generate Namespace
, Method
, Class
, Comment
, Attribute
, Property
Compile Code From XReflectionWindow.
This module have been move to
Note: The target script must inherit from XMonoBehaviour.
[X] // Create button in the Inspector
public void MethodHandleGo(GameObject go)
XLogger.Log("Test Method");
[X] // Reflection this property in the Inspector
public int Amount
return 0;
private int amountChange = 0;
public int AmountChange
return amountChange;
amountChange = value;
[Disable] // Disable change this SerializeField
public int Count = 0;
public Dictionary<int, string> mapKeyDict = new Dictionary<int, string>(){
{1, "1"},
{33, "22"},
{222, "32131"}
private List<string> list = new List<string>()
public Queue<string> queue;
public Stack stack;
void Reset()
stack = new Stack (list);
queue = new Queue<string>(list);
Quick toggle and lock.
MIT license
Contcat:[email protected], [email protected]
To be continue!