Discord bot for generating a completely random loadout, map, and optional random modifier for Escape from Tarkov.
It's advanced AI will ensure the best loadout for any given person, map, and time! You must believe in the system- whether you get a drum mag Makarov with a Slick on labs or a Mk47 with a PACA- and it will reward you. :)
- Invite me to your server: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=917846908075139083&permissions=414464666688&scope=bot%20applications.commands
- Support server: https://discord.gg/mgXmtMZgfb
List of commands:
- /roll - Classic Tarkov Loadout Lottery uses a super quantum mega swag algorithm to generate a random loadout and map for you to play with.
- /fastroll - Same as classic loadout lottery, but with less waiting around.
- /settings - Customise your Loadout Lottery experience. (trader levels, flea market, etc...)
- /viewsettings - View your currently saved Loadout Lottery settings.
- /resetsettings - Reset your currently saved Loadout Lottery settings to default. (Max traders)
- /help - Command list
- /stats - Displays the bot's statistics
- /ping - Pong!
Example 1 | Example 2 |
Example 3 | Example 4 |
p.s. beginner project))