a cli tool to generate boiler plate code files with directories by using templates
Note: if you need a single file generation, use IDE's file template feature instead. it is more convenient.
there are two types of configuration files.
structure config file
define directories and files structure with yaml. -
template files
define content of file with jinja2 template syntax.( just enclose variable with {{ }} )
structure config file path is ~/.config/bpm/structures/<structure_config_filename>.yaml
template files path is ~/.config/bpm/templates/<template_filename>
- make templates
1-1. make directory structure file with yaml
# ~/.config/bpm/structures/3layer.yaml
- 3layer/:
- "{{name}}Controller.java": "Controller.tpl" # extension should not necessarily be .tpl
- "{{name}}Service.java": "Service.tpl"
- "{{name}}Repository.java": "Repository.tpl"
Note1: all items should be list( '-' at the beginning of line )
Note2: directory should ends with '/' and filename should not.
Note3: filename field means <filename>: <template filename>
1-2. make template files for each files
# ~/.config/bpm/templates/Controller.tpl
import {{ package_name }}
@RequestMapping("/{{ name }}")
public class {{ name }}Controller {
private final {{ name }}Service {{ name|lower }}Service;
- generate boiler plate
use dist/bpm
binary file for now.(macos)
bpm <structure_config_filename> <target_directory>
bpm show
interactively shows all contents of configuration files.
- add, remove config files easily