This plugin provides TinyMCE 4 for editing messages and templates within phplist.
It also integrates the elFinder file manager to provide file upload and selection.
TinyMCE and elFinder are compatible with all the major browsers, see the TinyMCE site and the elFinder site
This plugin is for phplist 3.
Requires php version 5.3 or later.
For guidance on installing and configuring the plugin see the plugin's page within the phplist documentation site
This plugin is free but if you install and find it useful then a donation to support further development is greatly appreciated.
version Description
2.2.0+20210129 Use the local copy of tinymce instead of the cloud version
2.1.0+20161018 Load tinymce from its CDN
2.0.2+20160615 GitHub #3, do not specify protocol for jquery files
2.0.1+20150914 Allow full page editing
2015-07-15 GitHub #1, use https for jquery files
2014-07-13 Accumulated minor changes
2014-03-24 Include host name in links
2013-11-05 Initial version for phplist 3