kiosk uses GitHub repositories to locally load a web directory to your iPhone/iPad. Setup is very straight forward. The below instructions assume you have already created a repository for use.
- In your GitHub repository create a directory named "kiosk". NOTE: this directory is case sensitive so ensure that you've done exactly as noted.
- Copy your web content into the kiosk directory making sure your index file is named "index.html" and that your links are relative to the index file. NOTE: this index.html file name is also case sensitive.
- Install kiosk on your supported IOS device from either the Apple App Store or by cloning this repository and compiling with xcode to your device.
- Choose GitHub Repository from the menu
- Enter the GitHub user name for this repository
- Enter this repository name into the repo field
- Optionally but recommended: Enter a GitHub token to increase the GitHub API limit. ( You can create a token at: )
- Press the Update GitHub Information button
- From the main settings menu configure any additional options and then press the Launch Kiosk button
Version 1.0 which is currently available in the App Store is just an initial release. Near future planned features include:
- Barcode Scanner
- JavaScript API
- Offline data collection for forms or other data
- Remote management via Xocialize remote manager
Kiosk uses the Swifter HTTP server to serve up the files imported from your repository allowing for offline use. It also uses the Reachability library to check network availability, HRToast for messaging and a suite of file utilities by Anthony Levings.