In this project I created a basic recipes website using HTML.
I will learn how to use HTML elemnts such as "a" to add links "img" to add images and other elements like "h1" "h2" for headings and "p" for paragraphs.
The project consists of an index file as the homepage which contains three links to three different recipes each recipe has its own HTML file, an images folder to contain the images of the project "Recipes images", and a recipes folder containing each recipe's HTML file.
Each recipe's HTML file consists of a heading with the name of the recipe then the image of the recipe then a description describing what the recipe is about then the ingredients of the recipe and the ingredients are wrapped in an unordered list using the "ul" element with the "li" element all of that followed by the steps of the recipe wrapped in an ordered list using the "ol" element and the "li" element.