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ctessum committed Oct 31, 2023
1 parent 643b419 commit 94792c7
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Showing 6 changed files with 128 additions and 43 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ EarthSciMLBase = "e53f1632-a13c-4728-9402-0c66d48804b0"
IfElse = "615f187c-cbe4-4ef1-ba3b-2fcf58d6d173"
Markdown = "d6f4376e-aef5-505a-96c1-9c027394607a"
ModelingToolkit = "961ee093-0014-501f-94e3-6117800e7a78"
NaNMath = "77ba4419-2d1f-58cd-9bb1-8ffee604a2e3"
OrdinaryDiffEq = "1dea7af3-3e70-54e6-95c3-0bf5283fa5ed"
Plots = "91a5bcdd-55d7-5caf-9e0b-520d859cae80"
Reexport = "189a3867-3050-52da-a836-e630ba90ab69"
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31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/isorropia/
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Expand Up @@ -38,6 +38,37 @@ to be effectively instantaneous.
However, to make the equilibrium occur more quickly or slowly we could simply multiply both forward and reverse reaction
rate constants by a constant factor.

## Solid phase activity

The paper states that the "activity of each solid phase species is assumed to be unity." (Fountoukis and Nenes, 2007)
However, this cannot be strictly true because if the activity were always equal to one the solid would continue to be consumed
even after its concentration had reached zero, resulting in negative concentrations which are physically impossible.
Instead, the activity of a solid should be a function which asymptotes to one for normal concentrations and
asymptotes to infinity for concentrations approaching zero, with an inflection point at a concentration where the solid
would not considered to be meaningfully present in the aerosol.
Given that an atmospherically relevant aerosol concentration is typically ≥1 ``\textrm{\mu g m^{-3}}``, we choose an inflection
concentration of 0.01 ``\mu g m^{-3}``, which is around 1e-10 mol ``\textrm{m^{-3}}`` for sulfate.
Smooth function forms are preferable for numerical stability so we therefore choose the equation:

a(c) = 10^{-(log10(c)+10)}+1

where ``a`` is activity, ``c`` is concentration, and ``+10`` represents the exponent of our threshold value. The resulting curve looks like this:

using Plots
c = 10 .^(-13:0.1:-7)
a(c) = 10^-(log10(c)+10)+1
plot(c, a.(c), yscale=:log10, xscale=:log10, title="Solid Activity Coefficient",
xlabel="Concentration (μg/m³)", ylabel="Activity Coefficient", label=:none)
logit(x) = 1 / (1 + exp(-(log10(x)+11)*5))
x = 10 .^ (-13:0.1:-10)
plot(x, logit.(x), xscale=:log10)

## Deliquescence

When interpolation between MRDH and DRH relative humidities as in Foungtoukis and Nenes (2007), we take ``\mathrm{RH_{wet}}``
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30 changes: 19 additions & 11 deletions src/isorropia/isorropia.jl
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
using EarthSciMLBase
using ModelingToolkit, Catalyst, Unitful
using IfElse
using IfElse, NaNMath

using Latexify
using NonlinearSolve
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,16 +107,17 @@ struct Isorropia <: EarthSciMLODESystem
active_salts = intersect(active_specs, values(salts))
active_solids = intersect(active_specs, values(solids))
active_gases = intersect(active_specs, values(gases))
active_ions_including_salts = unique(vcat(active_ions, [[s.cation, s.anion] for s active_salts]...))

water = Water(t, active_salts)
ionic_strength = IonicStrength(t, active_ions, water.W)
ionic_strength = IonicStrength(t, active_ions_including_salts, water.W)
salt_act = Activities(t, active_salts, (s) -> activity(s, active_salts, salts, ionic_strength.I, water.W))
ion_act = Activities(t, active_ions, (i) -> activity(i, water.W))
gas_act = Activities(t, active_gases, activity)
solid_act = Activities(t, active_solids, activity)
water_act = Activities(t, [H2Oaq], activity)
activities = extend(water_act, extend(salt_act, extend(ion_act, extend(gas_act, solid_act))))
balance = Balance(t, T, active_specs, active_ions, active_salts, gases, solids, ions)
balance = Balance(t, T, active_specs, active_ions_including_salts, gases, solids, ions)
#out = Output(active_vars)

# Convert dictionaries of equations into an equation system by combining equations with the same left-hand side.
Expand All @@ -138,18 +139,25 @@ struct Isorropia <: EarthSciMLODESystem
sys = ODESystem(eqs, t, active_vars, [T, RH]; systems=syss, name=name)
sys = extend(sys, extend(ionic_strength, extend(activities, extend(balance, water))))
#sys = sub_trans(sys, active_vars)
new(sys, mw, molecs, solids, gases, ions, salts)

filter_present(d, l) = filter(((k,v),) -> !isnothing(findfirst(isequal(v), l)), d)
new(sys, mw, molecs,
filter_present(solids, active_solids),
filter_present(gases, active_gases),
filter_present(ions, active_ions_including_salts),
filter_present(salts, active_salts),

Create a system of equations for mass and charge balances,
where slt, g, sld, and i are dictionaries of gases, solids, and ions, respectively.
function Balance(t, T, active_specs, active_ions, active_salts, g, sld, i)
function Balance(t, T, active_specs, active_ions_including_salts, g, sld, i)
# Return the given species, or zero if the species is not in the list.
all_active_ions = unique(vcat(active_ions, [[s.cation, s.anion] for s active_salts]...))
is(v) = ((v active_specs) || (v all_active_ions)) ? only(vars(v)) : 0

is(v) = ((v active_specs) || (v active_ions_including_salts)) ? only(vars(v)) : 0

@constants R = 8.31446261815324 [unit = u"m_air^3*Pa/K/mol", description = "Universal gas constant"]
@constants PaPerAtm = 101325 [unit = u"Pa/atm", description = "Number of pascals per atmosphere"]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,12 +192,12 @@ function Balance(t, T, active_specs, active_ions, active_salts, g, sld, i)
totalCl ~ is(i[:Cl]) + is(i[:HCl]) + atm2mol(is(g[:HCl])) +
is(sld[:NH4Cl]) + is(sld[:NaCl]) + 2is(sld[:CaCl2]) + is(sld[:KCl]) + 2is(sld[:MgCl2])
# Charge balance
charge ~ sum([i.m * i.z for i in all_active_ions])
charge ~ sum([i.m * i.z for i in active_ions_including_salts])

# Ratios from Section 3.1
R_1 ~ (totalNH + totalCa + totalK + totalMg + totalNa) / totalSO4
R_2 ~ (totalCa + totalK + totalMg + totalNa) / totalSO4
R_3 ~ (totalCa + totalK + totalMg) / totalSO4
# R_1 ~ (totalNH + totalCa + totalK + totalMg + totalNa) / totalSO4
# R_2 ~ (totalCa + totalK + totalMg + totalNa) / totalSO4
# R_3 ~ (totalCa + totalK + totalMg) / totalSO4
nonzeros = [e.rhs !== 0 for e eqs]
ODESystem(eqs[nonzeros], t, vs, [], name=:balance)
Expand Down
42 changes: 25 additions & 17 deletions src/isorropia/reactions.jl
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Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ struct Rxn

@constants tinyconc = 1e-12 [unit = u"mol/m_air^3", description = "Tiny concentration"]

@constants tinyconc = 1e-11 [unit = u"mol/m_air^3", description = "Tiny concentration"]
@constants tinypress = 1e-12 [unit = u"atm", description = "Tiny concentration"]

""" Return whether the given concentration(s) are significantly greater than zero. """
Expand All @@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ present(s::Solid) = s.m > tinyconc
present(s::SaltLike) = min(s.cation.m > tinyconc, s.anion.m > tinyconc) > 0
present(v::AbstractVector) = min(present.(v)...) > 0
present(_::H2O) = true
bothabsent(r::Rxn) = max(present(r.reactant), present(r.product)) == 0

Create an equation system for this reaction based on the information in
Expand All @@ -48,27 +50,33 @@ function rxn_sys(r::Rxn, t, activities::ModelingToolkit.AbstractSystem)
@variables K_eq(t) [unit = r.K⁰units, description = "Equilibrium constant"]
@variables rawrate(t) [unit = r.K⁰units, description = "Pseudo reaction rate"]
@variables rate(t) [unit = r.K⁰units, description = "Normalized Pseudo reaction rate"]
@constants rateconst = 1 [unit = r.K⁰units, description = "Rate constant"]
@constants zerorate = 0 [unit = r.K⁰units, description = "Rate constant"]

rate_rhs = clamp(rawrate, -rateconst, rateconst) # Clip the mass transfer rate to avoid stiffness in the overall system.
# Products or reactants can only be consumed if their concentration is significantly greater than zero.
rate_rhs = ifelse(present(r.reactant), rate_rhs, max(rate_rhs, zerorate))
rate_rhs = ifelse(present(r.product), rate_rhs, min(rate_rhs, zerorate))

@constants rateconst = 1e-6 [unit = r.K⁰units, description = "Rate constant (chosen to manage stiffness)"]
@constants zerorate = 0 [unit = r.K⁰units, description = "Zero rate"]
@variables present(t) = 1 [description = "Whether the reactant is present (only used when reactant is a solid)"]
@constants unitconc = 1 [unit = u"mol/m_air^3", description = "Unit concentration"]
logit(x) = 1 / (1 + exp(-(NaNMath.log10(x/unitconc)+11)*5)) # Solid is not present if its concentration is less than ~1e-11

# rate_rhs =
# if (r.reactant isa Solid)
# rate_rhs = ifelse(present(r.reactant), rate_rhs, max(rate_rhs, zerorate))
# end

sys = ODESystem([
# Equation 5: Equilibrium constant
K_eq ~ K⁰ * exp(-H_group * (T₀ / T - 1) - C_group * (1 + log(T₀ / T) - T₀ / T))
rawrate ~ (ap/ar - K_eq)
rate ~ rate_rhs
], t, [K_eq, rawrate, rate], [];
# Equation 5: Equilibrium constant
K_eq ~ K⁰ * exp(-H_group * (T₀ / T - 1) - C_group * (1 + log(T₀ / T) - T₀ / T))
rawrate ~ (ap / ar - K_eq)
# Solids can only be consumed if their concentration is significantly greater than zero.
present ~ (r.reactant isa Solid) ? logit(r.reactant.m) : 1
# Clip the mass transfer rate to avoid stiffness in the overall system.
rate ~ tanh(rawrate / K⁰) * rateconst * present
], t, [K_eq, rawrate, rate, present], [];

# Equations to move toward equilibrium
ode_eqs = Dict()
for (v, s, sign) zip(vcat(pv, rv), vcat(ps, rs), vcat(fill(-1, length(pv)), fill(1, length(rv))))
x = Symbol(, :conv_, Symbolics.tosymbol(v, escape=false))
conv = only(@constants $x=1 [unit = ModelingToolkit.get_unit(v/rate/t), description = "Unit onversion factor"])
ode_eqs[Dt(v)] = sign * sys.rate * s * conv
x = Symbol(, :conv_, Symbolics.tosymbol(v, escape=false))
conv = only(@constants $x = 1 [unit = ModelingToolkit.get_unit(v / rate / t), description = "Unit onversion factor"])
ode_eqs[Dt(v)] = sign * sys.rate * s * conv
sys, ode_eqs
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/isorropia/solid.jl
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Expand Up @@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ struct Solid <: Species

#@constants unit_conc = 1.0 [unit = u"mol/m_air^3", description = "Unit concentration"]

From Section 2.2 in Fountoukis and Nenes (2007), the activity of a solid is 1.
From Section 2.2 in Fountoukis and Nenes (2007), the activity of a solid is 1.
However, this cannot be strictly true because if the activity were always equal to one the solid would continue to be consumed
even after its concentration had reached zero, resulting in negative concentrations which are physically impossible.
activity(s::Solid) = 1.0
activity(s::Solid) = 1

vars(s::Solid) = [s.m]
terms(s::Solid) = [s.m], [1]
Expand Down
59 changes: 48 additions & 11 deletions test/isorropia/isorropia_test.jl
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Expand Up @@ -4,11 +4,17 @@ using Test
using Plots

include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "../../src/isorropia/isorropia.jl"))

@variables t [unit = u"s", description = "Time"]

model = Isorropia(t, :all);
#model = Isorropia(t, :all);
#rxn_nums = [1]
#rxn_nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
#rxn_nums = [2, 7, 10]
#rxn_nums = [7, 10]
rxn_nums = 1:27
model = Isorropia(t, rxn_nums);

sys = structural_simplify(get_mtk(model))

Expand All @@ -22,32 +28,63 @@ u₀ = Dict{Any,Float64}([s => 1.0e-8 for s ∈ states(sys)])

p = Dict{Any,Float64}([p => defaults[p] for p parameters(sys)])
p[RH] = 0.30
prob = ODEProblem(sys, u₀, (0.0, 3e-8), p)
prob = ODEProblem(sys, u₀, (0.0, 1e-2), p)
cb = PositiveDomain(zeros(length(prob.u0)))
# Need low tolerance for mass balance checks to pass.
@time sol = solve(prob, Rosenbrock23(), abstol=1e-12, reltol=1e-12)
@time sol = solve(prob, Rosenbrock23(), abstol=1e-12, reltol=1e-12; callback = cb)

p1 = plot(title="Solids", xscale=:log10)
xscale = :log10
yscale = :log10
p1 = plot(title="Solids", xscale=xscale, yscale=yscale, legend=:bottomleft)
for (n, s) in model.solids
plot!(sol.t[2:end], sol[s.m, 2:end], label=string(n))
p2 = plot(title="Aqueous Ions", xscale=:log10)
p2 = plot(title="Aqueous Ions", xscale=xscale, yscale=yscale, legend=:bottomright)
for (n, i) in model.ions
plot!(sol.t[2:end], sol[i.m, 2:end], label=string(n))
p3 = plot(title="Gases", xscale=:log10)
p3 = plot(title="Gases", xscale=xscale, yscale=yscale)
for (n, g) in model.gases
plot!(sol.t[2:end], sol[g.p, 2:end], label=string(n))
p4 = plot(title="Reaction Rates", xscale=:log10)
for i 1:27
p4 = plot(title="Reaction Rates", xscale=xscale, legend=:outertopright)
for i rxn_nums
r = Symbol(:rxn, i)
y = eval(:(sol[sys.$r.rate]))
plot!(sol.t[2:end], y[2:end], label="$r.rate")
plot(p1, p2, p3, p4, size=(1000, 800))

plot(sol.t, sol[sys.a_CaNO32_aqs]),
plot(sol.t, sol[sys.a_CaNO32_s]),
plot(sol.t, sol[sys.a_CaNO32_aqs] ./ sol[sys.a_CaNO32_s], label="a ratio")
#plot!(sol.t, sol[sys.a_CaNO32_s] ./ sol[sys.a_CaNO32_aqs], yscale=:log10)
plot!(sol.t, sol[sys.rxn1.K_eq], label="K_eq")
plot(sol.t, sol[sys.a_CaNO32_aqs] ./ sol[sys.a_CaNO32_s] - sol[sys.rxn1.K_eq], label="a ratio - k_eq"),
plot(sol.t, sol[sys.rxn1.rate], label="rate"),
plot(sol.t, sol[sys.rxn1.rawrate], label="rawrate"),

ps = []
for i rxn_nums
r = Symbol(:rxn, i)
y = eval(:(sol[sys.$r.rate]))
p = plot(sol.t[2:end], y[2:end], xscale=:log10, label="$r.rate")
push!(ps, p)
plot(ps..., size=(1000, 800))

plot(sol[t], sol[f_CaNO32],
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