An awesome list of tools available in 3d computer graphics for the research in computer graphics/vision and machine learning
- open3d
- Pymesh
- Trimesh
- MeshLabXML
- Kaolin (Deep Learning Model Zoo, utilities etc)
- Pyrender
- Polyscope
- Pytorch Blender Integration
- ParaView
- MeshPlot, cool visualization in jupyter notebook
- WildMeshing, a simple and robust 2d and 3d meshing package
- igl, igl python bindings
- Polyfem, finite element library
- Directional visualizing and understanding directional fields on meshes.
- point cloud utils, sdf using winding number chamfer, hausdorff distance, poisson disk sampling etc.
- pymanopt Optimization on Manifold using python.
- ivy-dl 3D vision library with deep learning support.
- sdf python library for creating meshes using sdf of interesting primitives
- simple-3dviz
- pymeshlab
- Mitsuba 2 Physical based rendering with python and numpy support.
- Geogram A programming library with geometric algorithms.
- Xatlas. Free form parametrization of meshes and charts packing.
- Poisson Surface Reconstuction (Python)
- Poisson Surface Reconsutrction (c++)
- Contours, Ridges and Valleys (c++)
- Mesh Processing Library (c++)
- Watertight and Simplified Meshes through TSDF Fusion (c++)
- ManifoldPlus: A Robust and Scalable Watertight Manifold Surface Generation Method for Triangle Soups (c++)
- GPU-based signed distance field generator from 3D triangle meshes (c++)
- Mesh to SDF (Python)
- Approximate Convex Decomposition (Python)
- mesh-voxelization
- spharapy Harmonic Analyis of Meshes, includes laplace beltrami operators