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Snapshot Your Environment

Kody Ensley edited this page Jul 5, 2016 · 2 revisions

What happens if you want to back up your current env?

A lot of NASA/ROS dependencies are Debian based. There is not a great way to roll back Debians, so there will always be risk to trying an upgrade. However we can at least snapshot you're environment variables and repositories so that we have a place to start if a roll-back is required.

Run the following commands on every system. (Link/Zelda/Workstation/etc).

Repeat this command for each catkin workspace you have.

cd ~/my_favorite_catkin_workspace/src
vcs export --exact > ~/my_favorite_workspace_filename.txt

Run this command once per system.

printenv > ~/my_favorite_system_environment_variables_filename.txt

This will capture the exact state of the catkin workspace, by hash not branch name, and your current environment variable settings.