This game is a platformer made by CITM students
- Visual Studio
- Tiled
- Photoshop
- SDL2
- 1 player
- Control with the keyboard
- A and D - Movement
- Space - Jump
- E - Shoot
- Left/Right and Enter - When checkpoints are unlocked, player can teleport through them
Unlock the portal with the key
Pass the level without being killed
- F1 - Start level
- F2 - Start intro
- F3 - Direct loose
- F4 - Restart level
- F5 - Save the current game state
- F6 - Load the previous state (even across levels)
- F7 - Teleport direct to Level 1
- F8 - Teleport direct to Level 2
- F9 - View Collider / Logic
- F10 - God Mode (fly around, cannot be killed)
- F11 - Switch Framerate 30/60
- 1 - Direct win
- M - Add life
- N - Reduce life
- 8 - View Buttons
- H - Lose Time
Red Panda Studios team:
This project is licensed under an unmodified MIT license, which is an OSI-certified license that allows static linking with closed source software. Check LICENSE for further details.