Releases: Xavierlm11/Assignment1
Releases · Xavierlm11/Assignment1
New realese of our platformer game!
New features:
- Bugs Fixed
- New Fx Feedback
- New GUI
- Title Screen Main Menu
- Credits
- Settings
- Fullscreen
- Vsync
- Control volume
- Continue Game
- Gameplay Screen Hud
- Timer
- High Score
- Gameplay Screen Pause Menu
- Title Screen Main Menu
New realese of our platformer game!
New features:
- Jump fixed
- Double jump
- Implemented level 2
- Implemented air enemiy and walking enemy
- Added life bar and items such as health and coins
- Checkpoints with teleports
- Fixed load and save
- New parallax
- Fx feadback
- Game stable at 60 and 30 fps
- Game normalized with deltaTime
- Player can shoot enemies
- Enable/Disable FPS cap to 30
- New debug keys(F6, F7, F8, F11, 1, N, M)
- Win screen
- Pathfinding A*
This is the alpha version of our platfomer game based on Kirby's games.
In this version we added:
- Level 1
- Player movement (AD and SPACE)
- Player Animation (Walk, jump and die animation)
- Logo, intro and ending screen with fade-in and fade-out
- Camera follows the player
- Save and load progression
- Debug keys:
- F1 - Start level
- F2 - Start intro
- F3 - Direct loose
- F4 - Restart level
- F5 - Save the current game state
- F6 - Load the previous state (even across levels)
- F9 - View Collider / Logic
- F10 - God Mode (fly around, cannot be killed)
To get more info about this game read the README file or visit our Github Website at: