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1. Create a new CoordinateReferenceSystem from a reference code

Bocher edited this page Sep 23, 2016 · 1 revision

CTS includes registries that contain the definition of the main Coordinate Reference Systems used in the world. CTS can retrieve these CRS simply by their reference code (for instance : "EPSG:4326" for the Geographic Coordinate System corresponding to WGS84 datum).

This pseudo-code explains how to create a new CoordinateReferenceSystem using this method.

// Create a new CRSFactory, a necessary element to create a CRS without defining one by one all its components
CRSFactory cRSFactory = new CRSFactory();

// Add the appropriate registry to the CRSFactory's registry manager. Here the EPSG registry is used.
RegistryManager registryManager = cRSFactory.getRegistryManager();
registryManager.addRegistry(new EPSGRegistry());

// CTS will read the EPSG registry seeking the 4326 code, when it finds it,
// it will create a CoordinateReferenceSystem using the parameters found in the registry.
CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = cRSFactory.getCRS("EPSG:4326");

The registries used by CTS can be found [here] (