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6. Android troubleshooting

Palominos Sylvain edited this page Feb 26, 2019 · 2 revisions

minifyEnabled Unable to access CRS file: epsg error

It seems there is a confusion with class names of CTS when obfuscation takes place(check 1 and 2 stackoverflow links).

org.cts should be excluded from the process of obfuscation. To do so you just need to add the following line in file which is configured to be used in the gradle script.

-keep class org.cts.** { *; }

And inside the gradle script, force the app to use this proguard file.

   debug {
      minifyEnabled true
      buildConfigField "String", ...
      buildConfigField "String", ...
      proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''

Here is the location of the proguard file


The content of the file

-keep class org.cts.** { *; }

Thank you for the solution to ptsagkis.