Our work specifically focuses on generating visual explanations of both the image modality and the text modality using concepts from graph spectral theory by solving the characteristic equation of the Laplacian for models that are fine-tuned on the VQA downstream task. Our method is model-agnostic to some extent and post-hoc, capable of generating local explanations catering to each image-question pair provided for inference. The job of our interpretability module is to highlight the regions of image and text (question) that contribute to the model’s decision/answer. We propose the following list of contributions for interpretability of bi-modal models:
Class-agnostic version (Deep Spectral Methods for Interpretability - DSMI): The first is the direct application of graph spectral theory which is unsupervised in nature
Class-specific version (DSMI + Grad): In order to explain the decision of the bi-modal models, we modeled the spectral approach like GradCAM, where "CAM" represents the fiedler eigenvectors generated by the standard spectral approach which are much more robust than pure attention maps
Class-specific and Transformers-specific version (DSMI + Grad + Attn): In combination with the gradients based spectral approach, we utilise the attention maps for transformer specificit
git clone https://github.com/shiv2110/Transformer-spectral-interpretability.git
cd Transformer-spectral-interpretability
pip install -r requirements.txt
python demo_vqa.py --image-path <path_to_image> --question <question_for_image> --method-name <interpretability_method>
Download VQA 2.0 validation dataset
Download COCO 2014 val images, , annotations (val), and questions (val)
├── val2014
| ├── COCO_val2014_000000000042.jpg
| └── ...
├── v2_OpenEnded_mscoco_val2014_questions.json
└── v2_mscoco_val2014_annotations.json
Download valid.json
cd data/vqa
wget https://nlp.cs.unc.edu/data/lxmert_data/vqa/valid.json
Running positive image perturbation test
python perturbation.py --COCO_path <path_to_COCO_samples> --method <interpretability_method> --is-positive-pert True
Running negative image perturbation test
python perturbation.py --COCO_path <path_to_COCO_samples> --method <interpretability_method>
Running positive text perturbation test
python perturbation.py --COCO_path <path_to_COCO_samples> --method <interpretability_method> --is-text-pert True --is-positive-pert True
Running negative text perturbation test
python perturbation.py --COCO_path <path_to_COCO_samples> --method <interpretability_method> --is-text-pert True
AUC scores for perturbations tests on LXMERT: Lower AUC for positive tests and higher AUC for negative tests indicates better performance
Method | Image ve+ | Image ve- | Text ve+ | Text ve- |
Hila Chefer Relevance Maps | 51.01 | 62.91 | 21.57 | 48.31 |
Transformer Attribution | 52.80 | 61.16 | 21.89 | 47.80 |
LRP | 52.83 | 60.82 | 24.14 | 44.51 |
Raw Attention | 54.36 | 61.34 | 32.77 | 37.40 |
Grad-CAM | 57.97 | 59.59 | 34.50 | 37.56 |
Rollout | 57.15 | 58.26 | 38.71 | 31.47 |
DSMI | 53.47 | 59.13 | 28.67 | 40.28 |
DSMI + Grad | 53.77 | 62.28 | 24.78 | 44.80 |
DSMI + Grad + Attn | 53.42 | 62.23 | 24.12 | 45.47 |
- Implementation of baselines is based on Relevance Maps
- Core DSMI implementation is based on Deep Spectral Methods for unsupervised localisation and segmentation
- LXMERT implementation is based on the offical LXMERT and on Hugging Face Transformers
- CLIP implementation is based on the official CLIP implementation.