Version 0.7.5
Improved NeuroML conversion support
Make cfg.checkErrors = True by default, but set to False if using multiple cores or batch
Added methods to rename netParams dict keys in a nested format (needed for GUI)
Added analysis.plotSpikeStats() func to plot stats of cell rates, ISI CVs and synchronies
Added analysis.calculateRate() func to calculate avg and peak rate of pop subset at time range
Added analysis.plotRates() func to plot avg and peak rate of different pop subsets at time range
Added option to include list of pops or cells in 'include' arguments e.g. include=[['E4','E2'], [1,3]]
Added cfg.compactConnFormat option to replace conns dict format with compact list format
Added option to plotConn() and plot2Dnet() to load data from compact format json files
Adapted python2 code so conversion to python3 via 2to3 command works straight away
Added 'instantiate' argument to sim.load function
Added 'dpi' argument to analysis.plotSpikeHist()
Replaced init()/h.stdinit() with finitialize() so h.v_init and h.dt get set properly
Removed call to h.stdrun() but made v_init a global in cfg.hParams and initialized h.tstop to cfg.duration
Fixed bug setting globals that don't exist
Fixed issue setting global variables when loading from json
Fixed issue to make convergence+divergence connections randomization more robust and efficient (issue #254)
Fixed bug in colors of plotSpikeHist
Fixed bug in replaceDictODict() that lead to wrong results when importing cells
Fixed bug when using sim.gatherOnlySimData
Fixed bugs in saveLoadV1 example
Fixed bug when generating subConn with createNEURONObj=False