Releases: suny-downstate-medical-center/netpyne
Version 0.9.4
Added option to avoid creating connections with weight=0
Made recording of dipoles optional with attribute cfg.recordDipoles
Rotated conn matrix x-axis labels so can fit large matrices
Added 'removeWeightNorm' argument to plotConn() function
Added cfg option 'oneSynPerNetcon' to conn rules to create one synapse object per Netcon
Added first version of Contributors Guide
Fixed file write permissions for evol optim batches
Fixed bug calculating normally distributed rhythmic inputs - was using variance instead of std
Fixed bug in iplotDipole when smoothing window size = 0
Fixed bug in plotSpikeStats pop order
Fixed bug is plots with scalebars
Fixed bug in grid lines of plotConn
Fixed bug in subConnParams by sorting conns to ensure reproducibility on different number of cores
Fixed bug so uses 'Agg' backend if no display env variable e.g. in clusters
Version 0.9.3
Improved conversion from SONATA format, including 300 biophys cell example
Added saveCellConns, pt3dRelativeToCellLocation and invertedYCoord cfg options
Added lineWidth as argument of plotRatePSD() and plotLFP()
Modified plotLFP and plotRatePSD to use Morlet wavelet for PSD calculation
Added lineWidth argument to some raster and LFP plots
Added shuffling test to granger causality functions
Fixed bug plotting traces with one fig per trace
Fixed bug in granger functions - required conversion to int
Fixed bug in plotShape when cells sections not available
Return meaningful cell info via 'repr' and 'str' for pointCell, compartCell
Fixed spelling typos in documentation
Version 0.9.2
Support for saving simulation at intervals
Improved Python cell template import so can read section names from a Python list or dict of sections
Fixed replicability issue across different number of cores when using 'connList' connectivity rules
Improved speed performance of 'connList' connectivity rules
Updated RxD calcium buffering example
Added netClamp example to re-simulate activity of single cell from network data
Added support for recording and plotting variable time step
Replaced spectrogram FFT method with Morlet wavelet method
Updated installation instructions
Added 'fontSize' argument to several plots
Fixed issue completing batches in Python 3
Fixed bug saving evolutionary optimization batch output file
Fixed bug in plotShape()
Fixed bug in plotSpikeStats()
Fixed bug loading files with colons
Fixed issue sorting raster by population and y coord
Version 0.9.0
Added support for reaction-diffusion (RxD) and usage examples
Improved performance (speed) of connectivity algorithms
Major code refactor to split functions across modules and subpackages
Switched to Python 3 as the default development environment
Optimized implementation of raster and spikeHist plotting using Pandas
Added support for recording spikes from only a subset of cells using e.g. cfg.recordCellsSpikes = ['E2']
Support for exporting to SONATA standardized network format (Beta)
Support for Human Neocortical Neurosolver (HNN) dipole mechanisms
Added option for filename to saveData()
Removed pop cellModelClass when saving
Removed cell h object keys when saving
Added support for evolutionary algorithm optimization (via Inspyred) and usage example
cfg.popAvgRates now accepts a time range to calculate rates (e.g. to discard initial period)
All NEURON objects now accessible via ['hObj'] key within Python network structure
Fixed bug in batch to allow having only grouped params
Fixed bug initalizing batch 'mpi_bulletin' and batch tutorial example
Fixed bug: removed '_labelid' from netParams when saving
Fixed bug: made self.scaleConnWeightModels False when not used (avoids saving weird dict in json)
Fixed bug in Pickle file encoding so works in Python3
Fixed bug in convergence and divergence conn when repicking a value if postGid=preGid is randomly selected
Fixed bug in rand initialization for string-based func with div conn
Fixed issue in probabilistic connectivity random number generation to ensure replicability in Python 2 and 3.
NOTE on backward replicability: Due to several performance improvements and bug fixes to ensure future replicability in both Python 2 and 3, it won't be possible to replicate results of previous versions.
Version 0.7.9
Extended metadata structure to interact with NetPyNE-UI
Added preliminary data structures to support NEURON RxD
Added plot RxD concentration to analysis
Added netParams.correctBorder to compensate distance-dependent connectivity border effect
Added option to run jobs directly on multiple mpi cores via Batch class
Added option for custom text in PBS or SLURM scripts to submit batch jobs
Added option to filter LFP signal before ploting PSD
Convert 'gid' to actual cell gid when used in point process params (useful for random seeds)
Relaxed pyneuroml requirement so just shows a warning message
Preliminary function to save conns distributedly using HDF5
Added function to validate string-based expressions
Fixed bug: removed cell._segCoords and pop._morphSegCoords before saving to file
Fixed rasterPlot pop label automated spacing
Fixed bug: removed pandas requirement from LFP electrode module
Fixed bug: updated rcParams text.fontsize to font.size
Fixed bug: missing update of list-based loc in connList connections
Fixed bug: delete sections after import cell only if section exists
Added netParams.rotateCellsRandomly option to rotate cells randomly around y-axis
Added netParams.defineCellShapes option to convert stylized cell geometries to 3d points
Added 'histogram' option to plotSpikeStats
Improved shapePlot so generates 3d pts for stylized morphs and plots all cells by default
Added showElectrodes and bkgColor options to shapePlot
Adapted so can set cfg.createPyStruct=0 before creating conns to save memory on large nets
Added option cfg.connRandomSecFromList=True to set if sec and loc are randomly chosen from list when synsPerConn=1
Added cfg.printSynsAfterRule to print total connections after each conn rule is applied
Fixed bug to ensure VecStim random streams are independent of simulation duration
Fixed bug calculating avg pop rate in plotRaster when using subsets of pops
Fixed bug LFP recording only applied to compartmental cells
Fixed bug when using conn 'threshold' in verbose -- removed all since has no effect
Fixed bug when deleting sections -- needed sec.push() before
Fixed bug in shapePlot figSize option
Fixed format of git changeset stored -- removed 'g' prefix
Fixed bug in Windows trying to get git changeset
Fixed bug gathering LFP data
Fixed bug importing global v_init from multiple cell files
Fixed bug so gitChangeset() returns to orig folder even when git not installed
Fixed bugs in plotConn -- missing rounding func and grouping by y interval